Chapter 1210 Never come back

"No, don't go." Jin Wang pulled her back, and endless grief welled up in his heart, and he forcibly pressed her back.

"What's wrong?" Lin Qianqing saw that something was wrong with him.

Tears flowed from King Jin's eyes, like a shining star under the moonlight.

Lin Qianqing was stunned, and stretched out her hand to wipe him gently.

"What's the matter, cousin."

Usually when she wanted to trust him, she would call him cousin.

Just like when he wanted to please her, he would call his cousin, Sister Lin.

Lin Qianqing felt that this might be related to his abnormality during this period.

"Cousin!" King Jin felt a sense of powerlessness all over his body. He took her hand away, stroked her hair gently, and said in a low voice, "Don't ask anything, don't think about anything, listen to me explain."

"Well, tell me." Lin Qianqing nodded lightly, with waves in her heart.

King Jin sniffed, took back the tears that were about to burst into his eyes, and said to her in a low voice: "From now on, you must hear every word I say clearly, remember it carefully, and don't ask the reason."

It is the greatest misfortune in their life to be associated with the Duke's Mansion and that dirty power.

Although Lin Qianqing didn't quite understand, she still nodded slightly, stared into his eyes, and quietly did not make a sound.

He said: "I have prepared a carriage for you. It is just outside the city. There are things in it that you need on the road. Your first stop is Rucheng. There is a shop selling sesame seed cakes on Rucheng East Street. Their family has A mute daughter, about your age, you go to their house, they know what to do. When you leave, go as far away as possible, and never come back."

"What's the matter?" Lin Qianqing was stunned and then asked excitedly: "Why do you want me to leave suddenly? Is something wrong?"

She thought about leaving. A few years ago, she thought about leaving countless times, but in the past few years, she has accepted her fate and decided to stay forever.

"Shh!" King Jin made a silent gesture and said to her, "Don't ask why, those 'why' will stain my cousin's ears. I know you like freedom, and you will be free when you leave the capital."

"Cousin!" Lin Qianqing suddenly felt a chill in her heart.

King Jin felt bitter, he twitched the corners of his mouth, and said in a low voice: "Forget it, stop talking, there is no time, quickly, put on your clothes and follow me."

Although Lin Qianqing was full of doubts, she didn't ask any more questions. With a hint of excitement, worry, and even reluctance, she quickly put on her clothes and followed King Jin.

King Jin took her all the way to a small corner gate of Prince Jin's mansion, where two men in black were waiting.

He handed Lin Qianqing to the two men in black, and said, "We must ensure her safety when we send her out of the city."

"Don't worry, King Jin, your subordinates will definitely do it."

"Okay, let's go." King Jin pushed Lin Qianqing.

Lin Qianqing took a deep look at King Jin, put on a black hood and walked towards the two men in black.

"Cousin." When she turned around, King Jin suddenly stopped her again.

Lin Qianqing turned around and immediately fell into a big embrace.

She could feel King Jin's trembling body, as if he was trying his best to cover up something, trying his best to control his emotions.

Lin Qianqing heard his sobbing in the silent night.

"Promise me, live a good life and live happily. Also, don't come back again."

(End of this chapter)

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