Chapter 1211 Accountability
Lin Qianqing knew something had happened, it must be a big deal.She never cared about anything other than her own three meals a day. At this moment, she felt a little regretful. She should know more about other things.

For example, in fact, she has long felt that King Jin is different these days, but because she doesn't love or care, she doesn't know what's wrong with him, and she doesn't even ask him.

But what she didn't expect was that he would choose to send herself away before the big event came.

He knows that she yearns for freedom, so, does he want to fulfill her?

"Cousin, I..." Lin Qianqing still couldn't help but want to ask.

"Don't ask." King Jin interrupted: "Remember what I told you, after you leave, you don't want to trust anyone, especially those related to the Duke's Mansion."

Lin Qianqing wanted to ask a lot, but just as she was about to open her mouth, King Jin pushed her away.

"Let's go, let's go, and never come back." King Jin turned around and stopped looking at her.

Lin Qianqing was very sad, as if something was stuck in her throat, she couldn't swallow it, couldn't spit it out, it made her almost suffocate.

King Jin's back gradually disappeared into the night, Lin Qianqing didn't know what was wrong with her, and she burst into tears uncontrollably.

"Princess, let's go, or we won't be able to catch up."

The man in black stood in front of Lin Qianqing.

"What's the matter?" Lin Qianqing kept her crying voice low.

The man in black said: "Since His Royal Highness King Jin said that you are not allowed to ask, you should stop asking. He is doing it for your own good."

Lin Qianqing wiped away her tears, looked at the extreme darkness, and followed the pace of the man in black.

There is a carriage outside the city with her luggage and a hooded coachman.

They didn't tell her anything, so they took her to drive the carriage with their backs in the direction of the capital and drove farther and farther.

She doesn't know what the future will be, and she doesn't know why King Jin sent her away suddenly, and she doesn't even know whether she should trust King Jin.

So confused, she left the capital, far away from her hometown, and lived the life she had longed for.


News of Lin Qianqing's escape soon spread, and the queen became angry and called King Jin into the palace.

"Don't tell me that she escaped by herself. What's the matter with you?"

The heavy blow has made King Jin think of nothing to love, he smiled wryly and said, "You promised me, you won't touch Qian Qing, how can you explain it?"

"Then..." The queen's nose soured, and she said, "I promised you, it's my fault, I didn't think clearly."

King Jin said lightly: "You didn't think clearly, but I thought clearly. You can do whatever you want, but Lin Qianqing can't do it. She is my wife. I would rather she die outside than let her give birth. Someone else's child. Empress, I'm already like this, do you want to trample on my last dignity?"

The empress felt sour in her heart, and now, many things are beyond her ability.She can't control it, and she doesn't want to, but there is any way.

She turned her head sideways, wiped away the tears quietly, took a deep breath, and said to King Jin: "It's all right if you are honest in front of me, but when your great-grandfather asks, you must not admit that you let go." After leaving her, just say...just say that she knew about that matter, she would rather die than follow, and ran away in the middle of the night. "

After thinking about it, she felt that no one would believe such a lie.Lin Qianqing is a boudoir lady who can't lift her shoulders, how can she escape by herself?
(End of this chapter)

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