Chapter 1212 Did You Do It?

She said: "She said she went to find Gu Youyou, and it was Gu Youyou who helped her run away."

Yes, if you say that, they believe it.

King Jin listened silently. Seeing the queen's aging face obviously, he couldn't bear to say anything more. He nodded slightly to express his agreement.

Knowing that Lin Qianqing had run away in the middle of the night, Duke Hu Guo was furious. He sent people to chase after him, and at the same time ran to the First Prince's Mansion to ask Gu Youyou Xingshi for the crime.

Gu Youyou was completely inexplicable, as soon as the news reached her, people from the Duke's Mansion came to her door.

Now she was cheated by the queen and King Jin, and she was directly blamed for it.

"Veteran see the eldest prince, the eldest concubine!"

"Wai Li, Lord Protector, why are you free to come to my residence today?"

The Lord Protector took a look at Gu Youyou, and snorted coldly: "I don't go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, and I came to the First Prince's Mansion today to ask the First Prince's Concubine a word."

Gu Youyou smiled lightly, and said: "Guo Hugong, you are old, and it is not easy to live to this age. As for me, I respect you as an old man. If you have any questions, just ask, I will definitely It’s a question and answer.”

"That's good!" Duke Protector snorted coldly, "Princess Jin came to look for you a few days ago, didn't she?"

"That's right!" Gu Youyou didn't deny it, and said, "She was poisoned, and she often came to my place a while ago. It's no secret."

"So, you got her out of the capital?" Duke Huo lost all his teeth at an early age, and when he was angry, he would gnash his teeth. He had no teeth, and when he was angry, his face wrinkled together, looking a little bit funny.

Gu Youyou smiled tensely, and said in surprise: "Guo Hu Gong, what did you say? Why did I get her out of the capital?"

Even if she took it away, he couldn't tell the reason, let alone she didn't do it at all.

At the same time, Gu Youyou was also very puzzled, she always knew that Lin Qianqing didn't want to stay in Prince Jin's mansion, once she was given a reason or opportunity, she would definitely run away.

But she really ran away without any warning, and she was actually very surprised.

"Why? You and I know it well, why pretend we don't know anything." The Duke Protector said harshly.

But this time he really wronged Gu Youyou, Gu Youyou really didn't know why.

Jin Zijin took a look at Gu Youyou, and said to the Huguogong indifferently: "Please Huguogong, please talk about something, we don't have time to play riddles with you. If you think of me acting wild in this mansion, I want you, Huguogong. It's the wrong place."

Everyone in the court was afraid of him, even the emperor had to be courteous to him, but it didn't mean that Jin Zijin would be afraid of him.

Jin Zijin still didn't give him any face and let him in, it was just to see what he wanted to do.

"You..." The Duke Hu was furious. After all, he was old and his eyes were not working well. He couldn't see the expressions of Gu Youyou and Jin Zijin clearly, but he was full of disdain for himself just listening to their tone.

For many years, he has been used to being looked up to by others, but has he ever encountered someone talking to him like this?
Even Zhang Cheng, who had been at odds with him recently, dared to insult him a few words, but did not dare to speak to him with such an attitude and tone.

This makes people feel very uncomfortable.

"Okay...don't admit it, right? Then watch the old man catch him back, and please don't stop me."

Jin Zijin snorted coldly: "This is your business, what has it to do with me?"

(End of this chapter)

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