Chapter 1213 A Different Bandit
"This is the best way!" Huguo Gong got up angrily, and was supported by his servants out of the First Prince's Mansion.

"Hey, why did he just leave? He didn't say anything clearly." Gu Youyou said with a bit of regret, but also worried: "Lin Qianqing really ran away? What happened?"

Jin Zijin squinted his eyes and thought for a moment, then said: "It seems that there is something weird in the Prince Jin's mansion, I'll ask Xiao Jinyan to check it out."


"But your you want to help her secretly?"

Gu Youyou nodded and said: "Yes, of course she wants to. She has always wanted to run out. Since she has already run away, there is no need to be caught again."

"That's right, I'll arrange it."

Just because Gu Youyou finally had a hand in Lin Qianqing's escape, the Duke Protector, who had some doubts at first, believed in King Jin's statement.

In his opinion, Lin Qianqing's escape was either framed by King Jin, or Gu Youyou and Jin Zijin did it.

But he has no evidence, and he has nowhere to sue them.

What's more, what is hidden behind this incident is a secret that cannot be understood by outsiders, so knowing that Jin Zijin sent people to stop him, he can only suffer from being dumb.


Jin Zijin's arrangement was naturally to run as far south as possible. The south is the power of the Yue family, and no matter how long the claws are stretched, they will not be able to reach the south of the Five Ridges.

It's just that at the junction of Lingnan, they still encountered a large number of ambushes sent by the Duke's Mansion.

Xiao Qin'er was also here back then, and she encountered the most severe blow on her way to escape, resulting in the death of all her cronies who followed her.

As for the reason, no one knew at that time.

Bandits are rampant in this border area where the three don't care.And those bandits are not real bandits, they are all troops arranged here by the Duke's Mansion many years ago, many years have passed.After the incident with Xiao Qin'er, this is the second time they have been used in so many years.

"Catch that woman, and the boss will reward him as the second master."

"Brothers, give it to me..."

After fleeing for many days, the carriage that Lin Qianqing took when she left the capital had long since disappeared. Her current identity is the mute daughter of Rucheng Biscuit Shop, and she went to Lingnan to seek refuge with relatives.

Seeing the bandits shouting on the hill ahead, Lin Qianqing bit her lip and tightly hugged the bundle in her arms.

In the past, she fantasized about leaving the capital more than once, and ran far away, but she really ran out. The hardships along the way, what she saw and heard along the way made her feel that the life of ordinary people is not easy, which is not what she imagined at all. as simple as that.

It's just that if she does it again, she will still make the same choice, and it's better to walk vigorously than to be trapped in that place forever in obscurity.

Life is like this, there are gains and losses.

"Little dumb, we will fight in a while, you must protect yourself, run when you find a chance, leave us alone, run to Lingnan, and just pass the mountain in front of you."

Lin Qianqing gritted her teeth and nodded reborn.

This group of people was a well-meaning person she met on the road. During an ambush, all the people King Jin arranged for her died, and it was these people who saved her.

They told her that they were businessmen going to Lingnan and happened to be on the way, so they asked her to follow them and see them off.

Of course, Lin Qianqing didn't know that these people were sent by Jin Zijin's side.

A man frowned and said: "These people are not like ordinary bandits, their purpose is very clear."

(End of this chapter)

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