Chapter 1215 Married Your Daughter

Hey, wait a minute, he can't be allowed to climb high or not, Jin Zijin's peach blossoms must be strangled to death.

Gu Youyou tightly clenched her fists.

Jin Zijin glanced at Zhang Cheng indifferently, and said, "It's not a matter of being high or not, but..." His embarrassed look made Zhang Cheng's heart flutter.

He originally thought that he would take the initiative to show his favor to Jin Zijin. With his Zhang family's influence in the court, the eldest prince must be eager to make friends with him.

But he talked about the marriage with a shy old face, he was already uncomfortable looking like that.

It's not that he refused immediately, but he didn't know what his weird look meant.

And Gu Youyou behind the screen was also surprised at what Jin Zijin wanted to do, he had to refuse, and it was a little awkward, what did he want to do?
I go……

If he dared to bring Zhang Shiyu into the mansion, she would definitely ask Circe to reward her with a pack of poison, which would kill her intestines and lungs.

"Eldest Prince, what concerns do you have?" Zhang Cheng asked cautiously.

Jin Zijin stroked his chin and said, "I'm getting old, and I used to be a Taoist priest, and my cultivation is pure-hearted and ascetic. Isn't Ling Qianjin blind to follow me?"

Zhang Cheng staggered and almost fell off the chair.

Xindao: Are you pure-hearted and ascetic?Who gave birth to that son for you?

He collected himself and took a few breaths to calm himself down.

Gu Youyou's complaints this time are the same as Zhang Cheng's. She knows better than anyone how "pure and ascetic" he is.

In terms of face, I am afraid that few people can stand up to Zhang Cheng.

He quickly regained his composure, and said to Jin Zijin, "Don't place too much emphasis on desires? It's a good thing to not place too much emphasis on desires. The First Prince has won the King Jin and the King Qin by virtue of this. I also know that His Highness the First Prince is not good. Chongyu, you have been married to the eldest concubine for so long, and you don't even have a concubine in the mansion, which is really admirable.

But in your capacity, it is inevitable that there is only one woman in the back house, the eldest princess, who is lonely, and the eldest princess also lacks a sister to talk to, right?Now that she is all focused on the little emperor and grandson, it is inevitable that she will not take good care of the eldest prince. I think that at this time, the eldest prince marrying a side concubine will be of great benefit to you and to the eldest prince and concubine.

It is also the eldest prince's unshirkable responsibility to spread branches and leaves for the royal family! "

He said a lot of earnest words, and the whole person was triumphant.

But Jin Zijin shook his head again and again and said: "Impossible, marrying your Zhang family's daughter, not to mention spreading branches and leaves for the royal family, is almost the same as cutting off children and grandchildren. I am old, and it is not easy to have a son, but I can't afford it."

Jin Zijin unceremoniously responded with sarcasm, leaving Zhang Cheng speechless.

Does anyone speak like that?

It is said that you don't slap someone in the face when you hit someone, and you don't expose your shortcomings when you swear.

He is slapping his face and exposing his shortcomings!

Even if you want to refuse, can't you be more tactful?

This made Zhang Cheng very angry, but he didn't dare to explode, he just opened his mouth and opened his mouth again, unable to utter a word.

Gu Youyou couldn't stand it anymore hiding behind the screen, she covered her mouth and smiled rudely.

After hearing this, Zhang Cheng's face was as black as charcoal.

He'd be a fool if he couldn't see any more.

With a shy face, he gave his daughter to someone else to be his side concubine, and was even teased by the couple together.

No matter how thick-skinned he was, he couldn't sit still. He said angrily: "Prince, I respect you and sincerely tell you about the marriage between my daughter and you, but you are too much. If you don't agree, let it go." , why bother to poke my heart with that incident?"

 Five chapters first, see you at 05:30 for the remaining three chapters
(End of this chapter)

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