It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 1216 Discovered the secret of the Jin Palace

Chapter 1216 Discovered the secret of the Jin Palace

"You..." Zhang Cheng's face was livid with anger, his fingers trembling.He stood up fiercely, flung his sleeves and hummed: "Okay, if you are capable, I will see how you gain a foothold in this imperial city alone. Let me tell you, the Duke's Mansion is not easy to mess with. Their family No one knows more about it than I do.”

"Please!" Jin Zijin was unmoved.

"Hmph, just wait and see!"

Zhang Cheng left angrily, and Gu Youyou came out.

She said, "Did you make him anxious?"

Jin Zijin said indifferently: "What are you afraid of, let's wait and see how his daughter gets married."

Soon they saw Zhang Cheng's joke.

After being rejected and humiliated by Jin Zijin, he went to King Qin to show his loyalty.

As a result, King Qin didn't see him, and was beaten out by Xie Qinyun with his maid.

It is said that Princess Qin is already terminally ill, so the Palace of Prince Qin has long since fallen into Qin Yun's hands.

When he came back, he was so angry that he scolded the shrew.

And he discussed with the queen to send another daughter into the Prince Jin's mansion. The queen was so angry that she took a vase and hit him on the spot.

Finally, Mrs. Zuo in Prince Jin's Mansion became pregnant, and you have another daughter?Do you still want your face?
Now, it turns out that ordinary people are unwilling to marry Zhang Cheng. The Zhang family's talented daughters used to be valuable, but now they are cheap goods that even small households don't want.


After the king of Xining's attempt to rebel was destroyed, such a big Xining had to be taken over.The two brothers of the Xiao family couldn't leave, so the grand master of the Xiao family went to battle in person and moved the grand master's residence directly.

Recently Xiao Jinyan has been running up and down doing errands for Jin Zijin. He just came back from Xining half a day ago, and now Jin Zijin has called him to climb the wall in Prince Jin's mansion.

Fortunately, I was lucky, and caught the wrong place on the first night.

Jin Wei grandiosely went to Jin Wang's mansion to sleep with Jin Wang's woman, which frightened him so much that he ran to Jin Zijin's place before dawn.

Jin Zijin heard a noise in the middle of the night, got up and went to the yard.

"What happened to Prince Jin's mansion? Are you in such a rush to see me?"

Xiao Jinyan lowered his voice and said, "It's a big deal, and it's a strange thing."

Jin Zijin looked at him and invited him to a quiet room.

Xiao Jinyan drank a cup of herbal tea before slowly talking about it.

"I saw that Jin Wei went to King Jin's mansion, and he was going to sleep with King Jin's woman."


"And wow, King Jin actually knew about it, and replaced him in the middle of the night, making the illusion that King Jin slept with that woman. Tell me, what are they doing?"

Jin Zijin raised his eyebrows and said, "Aren't you very familiar with Jin Wei? It seems that you used to have a good relationship."

Xiao Jinyan waved his hand and said: "It's not bad now. The people I approached the Duke's Mansion were all because of you. Hey, whether my relationship with Jin Wei is good or not has nothing to do with Jin Wei cuckolding the King of Jin. You Tell me what are they doing?"

Jin Zijin touched his chin, pondered for a moment and said: "You continue to monitor, this matter...youyou probably knows."

"Her?" Xiao Jinyan said with disdain on his face, "What can she know? Besides making money."

Jin Zijin didn't like to hear these words, and drove Xiao Jinyan out with a cold face.

"Get out, don't come to my house before dawn."

After returning, Jin Zijin found that Gu Youyou had woken up and was sitting on the edge of the bed waiting for him.

"What happened?" Gu Youyou asked directly.

(End of this chapter)

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