Chapter 1217 Analysis
Jin Zijin was startled, but soon relieved.

Yoyo's perception and hearing are no worse than his own. Although she never said it, he knows it very well.

That's why he didn't let Xiao Jinyan come to this house in the middle of the night. She didn't sleep very well, and once she woke up, it was difficult to fall asleep again.

"You know everything? Xiao Jinyan has been here."

Gu Youyou hummed in a daze, scratched randomly on the head a few times, and asked, "What is he doing here at this hour?"

Jin Zijin said: "He just came back from the Jin Palace, guess what he saw?"

"What?" Gu Youyou asked curiously.

Jin Zijin got into the bed again, and pulled Gu Youyou into the bed, just like before, they hid in the bed and said serious things.

"Jin Wei will go to King Jin's mansion at night to meet King Jin's woman privately. Of course, it may not be a private meeting. King Jin knows it. He will replace Jin Wei in the middle of the night. No one knows that Jin Wei will show up. I've been in Jinwang's mansion, including the women who Lu Jinwei slept in in Jinwang's mansion."

"What...?" Gu Youyou felt that [-] weedy horses ran over his head, and then his outlook was completely ruined.

Although this appalling incident was unbelievable, she thought about it and quickly figured out the reason.

She said: "King Jin is really sick, a disease of infertility. In order to create the illusion that King Jin is not sick, they came up with such a trick. Then the child conceived by Mrs. Zuo of King Jin's mansion... is also Jin Wei's. ?”

Hearing Jin Wei's name, Gu Youyou felt chills.

When she first came to the capital, Lin Qianqing's affection for Jin Wei was overwhelming. She thought that she would not be able to marry Jin Wei, so she introduced Gu Youyou to Jin Wei with the idea of ​​not letting her wealth go to outsiders.

Fortunately, none of them took a fancy to anyone.

Otherwise, it would be disgusting to be seen by such a person.

Jin Zijin said: "It should be, Jin Yan will observe for a few more nights."

The king of Jin was sterile, so Jin Wei was ordered to borrow the seed.

And Lin Qianqing's departure must be related to this incident.

Gu Youyou couldn't help feeling distressed, she said: "Then Qianqing chose to run away at this time, maybe because she knew the secret? How could she accept such a ridiculous arrangement, so she ran away."

Jin Zijin nodded and said, "She ran away because of this incident, but she didn't run away by herself."

"Huh?" Gu Youyou asked curiously, "Why is that?"

"She can't run away. If no one helps her, she can't run away on her own. My people sent back news that she is protected."

"Then how is she doing now?"

Gu Youyou was even more worried about her safety.

Jin Zijin said: "She's fine, my people have picked her up and will send her to Lingnan safely."

"That's good." Gu Youyou breathed a sigh of relief.

"Naturally, the people in the Duke's Mansion will not let her go so easily. Lin Qianqing, the biological mother of King Jin's son, is in their best interest. As for the person who helped her escape...I guess it's probably King Jin."

"Prince Jin?" That perverted green hat?
"No man would like such a thing to happen to him, King Jin has no other choice."

Jin Zijin smiled wryly and said, "I said how he has become honest in the past few months, his personality has changed a lot, and that man seems to be shrewd."

Gu Youyou sighed endlessly, and suddenly felt a little sympathetic to King Jin.

Thinking that he had the resolution to send Lin Qianqing away under such circumstances before he reached the point of madness, he silently gave him a thumbs up.

(End of this chapter)

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