It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 1221 I met that beggar again

Chapter 1221 I met that beggar again

Cuiya hugged her little master to bask in the sun on the street, chatting and laughing with the proprietress of the restaurant opposite, the eldest daughter-in-law of the proprietress just added a fat boy for her, who was as big as Jie Yi, which made her and Miss Du got a little closer because of the child.

"Your lady didn't come out today, did you take the young master out to bask in the sun?"

"Yes, my young lady will be busy these days. So many people point at her to eat. She is really hard."

"Miss Du is really capable, she can compare with many men." Aunt Fang, the proprietress of the hotel, sighed, and said: "She is also really miserable. She married into Xie's family and suffered grievances. Seeing that she can live a good life I'm a widow again."

The matter between Miss Du and the Xie family is not a secret. Everyone knows that they did not reconcile, but that the husband and wife had a quarrel.

Ms. Du is a bloody woman, she couldn't stand that kind of grievance, so she moved out and prepared to make a living on her own.It is said that the two of them had already reconciled on the way to Xining, and they planned to go back to Xie's house together after the war, but they happened to find out about Zhong Lin's death in battle, and now, Miss Du has reconciled and divorced. more pitiful.

She is now a widow.

Cuiya naturally knew the reason for this, she couldn't say anything, so she changed the subject.

"Hey, Mrs. Fang, let's go to the front to buy noodles. My young master can grasp things. Doctor Gu said that when the child is so old, he should be allowed to grasp things more, so that his fingers will be flexible and his mind will be smarter. .How interesting are those doughnuts, the children definitely like them.”

"What did Doctor Gu say?" Aunt Fang asked hurriedly.

"Yes, that's what Doctor Gu said."

"Ouch, that's good, let's buy a few."

They believed in what Gu Youyou said, such as taking more children out to bask in the sun, all because Gu Youyou said it.

Aunt Fang in the restaurant across the street stared at Miss Du taking care of the children, and she took care of them no matter what they did, pointing to bring out a smart grandson.

Cui Ya and Aunt Fang each took a dough puppet to tease the child, making the child laugh out loud, but a few beggars on the street corner snatching things up messed up their interest.

A beggar was pushed to the ground by several other beggars, almost throwing Aunt Fang down.

Aunt Fang dodged to the side with her grandson in her arms, still in shock.

"Hey, beggars are terrible now. Are there any more rules? Fighting is not allowed in Jinxiu City. Believe it or not, I will send you to the yamen?"

The beggars were unmoved, and continued to bully a beggar who fell on the ground without even looking at Aunt Fang.

Because beggars like them are not accepted by the yamen, they take up space in the prison cells and waste food, and if they die, they have to arrange for someone to collect their bodies.

The life of beggars is not as good as those criminals. They have no place to shelter from the wind and rain, let alone food, and no one cares about them when they die. If they are thrown into mass graves, wild dogs may not even eat them.

Cui Ya stepped aside holding Jie Yi, pulled Aunt La Fang, and said: "Forget it, don't beggars hurt the child."

The beggars ignored them at all, they only shouted and scolded the beggar on the ground while grabbing the things in his arms.

"If you don't take it out for me, do you want to break the other arm too?"

Only then did Cui Ya see that the beggar who was crawling on the ground and still protecting something was missing an arm, it seemed to be the poor beggar she met on the day Du Wanqing was buried last time.

(End of this chapter)

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