Chapter 1222 Beggars fight
It's just that he doesn't seem to be using a cane today, maybe his legs are healed.

Aunt Fang saw that these beggars ignored her at all, she became more and more angry, and shouted: "They are all delicious and lazy goods. They have hands and feet. If they are not lazy, why do they become beggars? In my opinion, they should Drive them out of Jinxiu City."

It is common for beggars to scramble for things and fight on the street, and the people around have already seen it, and after watching the excitement for a while, they stay away from those beggars.

Afraid of being accidentally rubbed by them, wouldn't it be dirty clothes?
During the snatching, a beggar was kicked by the beggar on the ground and rolled to Aunt Fang's feet.

Aunt Fang was jumping in anxiety, cursing and hiding aside.

"It's unlucky, hurry up, don't scare my grandson."

Cui Ya was dragged by Mrs. Fang and turned her head three times. The beggar in the middle was held down by seven or eight beggars on the ground to snatch it, but he was still holding something tightly. Seeing that they couldn't grab it, the beggars were so angry that Punching and kicking on the body, if you can't catch your breath, you have to let go.

After a while, the beggar vomited blood, and the surrounding people sighed after seeing it, and thought that the beggar was really pitiful, and they didn't know what he was protecting, and they would die if they wanted something.

Jie Yi in Cui Ya's arms burst into tears, turned her head and stared at the beggar on the ground.

Aunt Fang hurriedly said: "Oh, Cui Ya, hurry up, look at your little young master who is frightened."

Cui Ya froze for a moment, and quickly covered Jie Yi's eyes, not letting him see.

But the more she covered her, the more the child cried, and he even stretched out his little hand to grab Cui Ya's hand.

He didn't cut his nails clean, and immediately scratched a bloody mark on the back of Cui Ya's hand.

Aunt Fang was still cursing: "It's really unlucky. The person who bought a noodle got into a fight with beggars, and even stained my old lady's shoes. Cui Ya, don't smear the ink, let's go."

Cui Ya and Aunt Fang quickly disappeared into the crowd, and then the beggars on the ground slowly raised their heads and looked in the direction where the figures disappeared.

Those beggars were still venting on him, kicking him one by one.

As if he didn't feel anything at all, he remained motionless, letting them vent, and letting the blood flow from the corner of his mouth.

The onlookers couldn't stand it anymore, and someone shouted: "If you fight again, you will die. Stop it, or you will report to the police."

A patrolling official came in this direction, and the beggars dispersed in a rush.

Although they won't be caught in prison, they will be kicked out of Splendid City.

There are so many rich people in Jinxiu City, and it is better to be a beggar here than in other places. How can they be willing to leave?

It's just that this new beggar is really strange, he has something in his arms all day long, they guess it's a treasure.

But this is a tough one, no matter how hard he fights, he won't take out that treasure.

Some good-looking people saw that the beggar on the ground was really pitiful, so they threw a steamed bun to him, and someone took a broken bowl and filled some water for him.

He got up on his stomach, dragged his injured body to the corner of the street, picked up the broken bowl, and ate the steamed bun with big mouthfuls.

Cui Ya carried Jie Yi back to Manxiu Building, but the child was still crying, no matter how Cui Ya coaxed her, it was useless.

Everyone gathered around one after another and asked, "What's the matter, young master? Are you crying so hard?"

Cui Ya was so anxious that she began to cry too, and said, "Perhaps I was frightened just now."

(End of this chapter)

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