Chapter 1223

"What are you scared of?"

"It's all the fault of those beggars. They fought and scared the young master, woo woo woo..." Cui Ya began to cry.

"Hurry up and find Ms. Du, maybe you won't cry after feeding." Someone hurriedly said.

Cui Ya had no choice but to go upstairs with Jie Yi in her arms, to find Miss Du.

Miss Du was working on a new trick for several days. When she heard the child's heart-rending cries, she was so frightened that she quickly put down her work and brought the child over.

"What's wrong, what's wrong with Yi'er, crying like this?"

Cuiya wiped her tears and said: "Miss, it's all my fault. I carried the young master to buy noodles, and met beggars fighting, maybe the young master was frightened. Miss, please punish me."

"What beggars are fighting?" Miss Du asked while coaxing the child.

Cui Ya said: "The beggar last time, the one with a broken arm, Miss, do you remember?"


"He was beaten by some other beggars, as if he was robbing something. This man is really, what is more important than life, I'm afraid he will be beaten to death right now."

Miss Du was slightly taken aback, feeling inexplicably sad.

Jie Yi in his arms stopped crying, and was hugging Miss Du, gulping down milk.

It's just that the tears are still hanging on the little face, which makes people feel distressed.

Xie Yi drank his fill of milk and fell into a deep sleep. Miss Du put him in the crib and asked Cui Ya to watch over him, while she changed her clothes and went to the street.

Walking in the direction Cui Ya said, she saw a ragged beggar sitting in an inconspicuous corner of the street, holding something tightly in his arms, leaning against the corner, as if sleeping.

Miss Du walked over gently, and when he was about to approach him, he opened his eyes vigilantly.

Miss Du was startled, and hurriedly stopped in her tracks.

The beggar felt that someone was looking at him, so he quickly turned his face away.

Seeing the woman standing not far away who was looking at him, he suddenly widened his eyes, as if he had seen a ghost, he dragged his injured body along the wall and fled the scene.

Miss Du was startled, and hurriedly chased after her, shouting while chasing, "Wait a minute, I won't take your things."

Then, the beggar ran even harder.

But he was beaten just now, and his legs are still not very agile, so how can he run faster than Miss Du who has healthy legs.

Miss Du quickly caught up with him and blocked him in an alley.

Seeing that he couldn't run anymore, he suddenly squatted down, holding something in his arms tightly with his only remaining arm.

Miss Du exhaled and said in a low voice, "I won't steal your things, so don't run away."

Unmoved, the beggar buried his face in his disheveled hair and curled up on the ground.

Miss Du approached him cautiously, squatted down, and said, "You look injured, I'll find a doctor for you to have a look. Don't worry, I won't take your things."

The beggar ignored her, and just shrank into a ball, shivering like fear.

Miss Du couldn't help but stood up and said: "You wait for me here, you must wait for me, I will be back in a while."

It is impossible to take him away forcibly, I only hope that he...

Miss Du ran out of the alley, and suddenly thought that he ran away last time, but this time...

She turned her head abruptly, and found that there was no beggar in the alley.

He did run away again.

What a strange beggar.


(End of this chapter)

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