Chapter 1224 Changes in Mood

After Lin Qianqing was rescued, she fled all the way to Xining before settling down.

Everyone thought she had gone to Lingnan, but no one expected that she would turn back and go to Xining.

All the way to escape, Lin Qianqing already knew who took her away. Thinking of what Gu Youyou said back then, she could only smile wryly.

It turns out that being robbed by bandits is really not a good thing.

And she said that no matter who she has a crush on, she might be able to help herself, but this person can't.

It turned out that he was Jin Ziyuan, a person with no future, if he provoked such a person, if word got out, the entire Lin family might become a traitor.

"You are now a traitor. Xining heard that the remnants of the Fifth Prince are the most ruthless. Why are you still running here?"

Jin Ziyuan smiled lightly and said, "Haven't you heard that the most dangerous place is the safest?"

Lin Qianqing raised her head to look at his face, it was as transparent as glass, as if it would break if touched.If she hadn't seen him, she would never have imagined that a man would look like this.

Jin Ziyuan seemed to see through her mind, and said: "Your cousin is also very white, people like us are all sick."

Lin Qianqing was startled, then lowered her head and said, "Do you know my cousin?"

Jin Ziyuan didn't deny it, and said, "I know, so I saved you."

"You know her very well?"

"It's familiar!" Jin Ziyuan smiled and said, "Didn't I say that we are the same kind of people, suitable for the kind of people who live in the dark and sleep in coffins."

"Sleeping in a coffin?"

Lin Qianqing was surprised. To be honest, she was not very familiar with Gu Youyou, and knew very little about her past.All she knew was that her father had an older sister, and that aunt had an only daughter, but her health was so bad that she couldn't even leave the house, so her father couldn't bring her into the capital, so he had to ask Qiu Guan's family to visit her every year.

As for what disease she had, she didn't know, and she didn't understand either.

But looking at this person in front of her now...she could really feel that they were the same kind of person.

Their skin is whiter than that of ordinary people. That kind of whiteness is different from the natural whiteness. It is like a treasure buried deep in the ground. It breaks through the endless darkness and is dazzling when it appears in the sun.

Sleeping in a coffin, as he said.

"Yes, sleeping in a coffin."

He said: "I was sleeping in a coffin at that time, and she suddenly appeared in my tomb, in my coffin. My coffin is very big, there is not one more of her, one less of her, I am very happy to be with her Share my coffin.

But she didn't like it, she tried every means to run out, and then she succeeded, she ran away.She ran away by herself, and she destroyed my tomb, my coffin, and took me out..."

Jin Ziyuan chattered on and on about things that Lin Qianqing didn't quite understand.

Like sleeping in a coffin?Why are they sleeping in coffins.

And the experience of her cousin, she didn't know about it.

From Jin Ziyuan's mouth, Lin Qianqing met another Gu Youyou, a side she didn't know.

The Gu Youyou in his mouth was completely different from what she remembered, as he said, it was another person.

But from the happy smile on his brow and eyes, she could see what kind of presence his cousin had in his heart.

To say that the glimpse back then made her feel like a deer slammed into her heart.But after so many years, the initial enthusiasm has long since been wiped out by the cold Jin Palace.

(End of this chapter)

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