Chapter 1225 Letter
Seeing him again, she was just surprised.

"Does she know?" Lin Qianqing asked in a low voice.

Jin Ziyuan paused for a moment, and the smile on his brows froze.

He said: "It doesn't matter if she knows or not, it's my business, my business alone."

Jin Ziyuan placed Lin Qianqing in Xining. He couldn't keep guarding her all the time. After making simple arrangements for her, he was about to leave.

He still has a lot of things to do, he can't stay in the same place for too long.

Revenge finally has a direction.

"This shop is under the name of Gu Youyou. You can help here, and you may even send news to her through them."

Gu Youyou had already issued orders to shops all over the place that Lin Qianqing would be safe here.

"Then will you come again?" Lin Qianqing asked Jin Ziyuan.

"I don't know." Jin Ziyuan said: "For a person like me, I don't know where I am today or where I will go tomorrow."

"Oh!" Lin Qianqing didn't ask any more questions, and lowered her head gently.

"Thank you!" she said after a while.

Jin Ziyuan smiled and said: "You're welcome, you are Gu Youyou's cousin. For me, saving your life is just a matter of effort."

"Oh fine!"


After Lin Qianqing settled down, she put her letter in the account book when delivering it in the shop, and sent it to Gu Youyou in the capital.

Gu Youyou took the oil lamp and roasted the letter paper, and the handwriting appeared little by little.

There were five pages in total, and she filled them to the brim.

After reading it, Gu Youyou took a deep breath, and threw all the letter paper into the stove to burn it.

She raised her head and said to Jin Zijin: "It's really King Jin who sent her away. She doesn't know why King Jin sent her away. Let me find out if something happened to her. Also, save her." Her person is Jin Ziyuan, she is now in Xining."

Jin Zijin pondered for a moment, and said: "King Jin sent her away because he didn't want her to conceive someone else's child like other women in the mansion. Since she ran away, let her not come back for a while. Once she comes back, she will let you Uncle is in trouble."

"Okay, I'll go to the Lin family tomorrow to give them peace of mind. After she ran away, the people in the Lin family were dying of panic."

"No, don't go, I'll find a chance to send a letter to your uncle."

Gu Youyou wasn't too entangled, so she picked up a pen and wrote back to her.

It seems that King Jin is also quite pitiful. It is a miracle that a man did his part and did not suffer from aggrieved death.

In the blink of an eye, it was winter again, and it started to snow in October.

Jin Xuyao ​​is already eight months old, just when he likes to crawl around and play.

In order for him to crawl quickly without freezing, he had to burn the fire in the warm pavilion extremely high.

It is raining and snowing outside, and the house is as warm as spring.

Circe would come to Gu Youyou's house during the day to borrow fire. From time to time, she complained that the carriage master's accommodation conditions were really poor, there was not even a ground dragon, and she was almost freezing to death.

Gu Youyou thought that when she and Jin Zijin lived in Lianhua Village, it was Jin Zijin who warmed her bed up. She seemed to have never been cold.

Thinking of this, she laughed and joked, "Your coachman won't warm your bed?"

Circe's face changed, and he curled his lips and said, "It's not bad if I keep him warm, but his hands and feet are cold in winter."

Of course, this is only relative.

It can only be said that Circe's body is warmer.

Gu Youyou looked at her sympathetically, and said in a low voice: "My husband's body is very warm. Back then, I only saw his ability to warm the bed."

(End of this chapter)

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