It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 1229 Recognizing Xie Zhonglin

Chapter 1229 Recognizing Xie Zhonglin

At this time, Miss Du was also stunned.

That face, although it was so dirty that it was difficult to recognize its original color, but the facial features made her recognize who he was.

She opened her mouth wide in shock, and tears welled up in her eyes in an instant.

"It's you...why? It's you?"

She finally knew why this beggar was so strange, always avoiding her, preventing her from seeing his face clearly.

But why did he hide from himself?
The beggar panicked and staggered back.

Unsteady, he fell hard to the ground.

"Xie...Xie Zhonglin, it's you, right?" Miss Du's heart throbbed with pain, and she was so sad that she was about to faint.

She walked towards him, bent down to pull him, but he pushed her away.

He said in a low voice: "No, I'm not Xie Zhonglin, girl, you mistaken me, I'm not."

He failed to stand up after several efforts, and crawled in the snow in a panic.

Miss Du's body was throbbing and trembling with pain, and she stepped on the snow, and she also fell to the ground.

She climbed onto him, not caring how dirty he was, and hugged him tightly from behind, tears kept flowing from her eyes, wet her face, making her unable to see clearly.

It turns out that he is not dead, he is still alive, that poor beggar is him!

He had a broken arm and a broken leg, and suffered so much that he almost froze to death in this cold winter.

She was so afraid, if she didn't come today, maybe one day, she would find a frozen body, it was him...

Miss Du burst into tears and could only hug him tightly.


Lin Qianqing received Gu Youyou's reply letter, and when she saw the contents of the letter, she was too shocked to speak.

No wonder in those days she felt that King Jin didn't look right, he shut himself in the study all day long with a look of lovelessness.

And the servants also heard that King Jin loved Mrs. Zuo very much, and stayed overnight every night.

How did he look like he was doting on a certain lady at that time?It turned out that it was because...

Lin Qianqing covered her mouth, feeling sympathy for King Jin for the first time.

She suddenly remembered that night, King Jin ran into her room at night and pulled her out of the bed.

Under the moonlight, she saw the sadness and helplessness in his eyes.

If he decided to send her away resolutely, he would also be criticized.

Anyway, he protected her in the matter.

She wrote another letter to Gu Youyou with tears in her eyes. She hoped that Gu Youyou could save him, at least let him stop living like this.

Gu Youyou frowned deeply when she took the reply letter, she was a doctor, if King Jin came to him like an ordinary patient, it would be understandable for her to see a doctor for him.

But in the current situation, the Queen's party obviously does not want outsiders to know about King Jin, especially people like themselves.

The last time she pointed out in front of the emperor that King Jin might be infertile, the queen had already gritted her teeth with hatred for her. How could it be possible for King Jin to come to see her doctor?

And if she took the initiative to come to the door and said to help King Jin see a doctor, wouldn't it be too abrupt?

No, he should be run over to death by the queen.

Calculating the time, Mrs. Zuo of King Jin should be giving birth soon, maybe the perverted queen is happily waiting to hold her grandson, she is really not suitable to have a baby at this time.

"what happened?"

Seeing Gu Youyou staring at the letter paper worryingly, Jin Zijin couldn't help asking.

Gu Youyou sighed: "My cousin sent a letter, asking if I could find a chance to save King Jin."

(End of this chapter)

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