Chapter 1230
Jin Zijin took the letter in her hand to read in doubt, and after a while he burned the letter paper and said, "Of course we have to read it, but now is not the time, let's talk about it after Mrs. Zuo is born, it's best It can prove once and for all that the child is not King Jin."

Gu Youyou glanced at him lightly, then continued to sigh.

The problems she and Jin Zijin see are different. Well, she is out of humanitarianism and really wants to help her cousin. Her starting point is to save people.

What Jin Zijin thought of was to find an appropriate time to expose King Jin's infertility and deal a heavy blow to them.

Jin Zijin said calmly: "This want to save him, but you are also harming him. They have already embarked on a road of no return. It is not as simple as saying that you can save him if you cure his illness."

Gu Youyou nodded slightly, and said, "My cousin may not have thought so much, she just simply wanted to save King Jin."

As she said that, she took out another letter, sighed embarrassingly, and said, "This is what she wrote to the King of Jin. Let me pass it on to him. You said that we have an incompatible relationship with the King of Jin. Is it okay to give this letter to him?"

Jin Zijin glanced lightly and said, "Then burn them together."

Gu Youyou hurriedly withdrew her hand and said, "No, I'm such a loyal person, even if I send the letter back to her, I can't decide to let others deal with it."

Gu Youyou's principled things made Jin Zijin feel very speechless, and he didn't bother to care about a letter.

He only said: "If you have the ability, you can send it to the Prince Jin's mansion."

"Cut~ I'm full."

See, she understands the truth, just being stubborn.

At this time, Gu Youyou heard a rush of footsteps coming from outside the yard. A moment later, she saw Xiang Toon through the window, and Cui Ya with an anxious expression behind her.

Gu Youyou's heart skipped a beat, Cui Ya could be so anxious, but Miss Du and Jie Yi are all that's it, did something happen to them?
She hurriedly raised her skirt and stood up, walking towards Cui Ya.

"what happened?"

"Doctor Gu, Doctor Gu, Xie... the second young master is back..." Cui Ya said anxiously with a tear in her voice.

"What?" Gu Youyou thought she had heard it wrong, and hurriedly asked, "The second young master you are talking about is Xie Zhonglin?"

Cui Ya nodded hastily, and said, "Yes, he is back."

"Isn't he dead? He was hacked to death and fed to the wolves?" Xiang Toon asked in surprise.

Cui Ya shook her head while gasping for breath, and said, "No, he's not dead, but he's missing an arm and hurt his leg. But he's about to die now, and my lady brought him back to Xie's house, let me treat him The doctor will save him."

Gu Youyou looked at Jin Zijin.

Jin Zijin frowned and said, "It's also possible, Xie Zhongsen didn't find his whole body, only an arm."

"Yeah, yes!" Cui Ya nodded hastily.

Oh, the Xie Zhonglin who came back is missing an arm, so he will match up.

It's just that he didn't know what he went through to escape from death.

Gu Youyou glanced at Jin Xuyao ​​who was sleeping soundly, and then said to Jin Zijin: "Then I'll go to Jiefu first, and you take care of the child at home."

"Well, let's go."

"Toon, go get Circe up."

Circe is a good assistant, and it's not for nothing.

She quickly got into the carriage with her tools and hands. When she arrived, Miss Du's carriage had just arrived.

Cuiya came to inform Gu Youyou first, and Miss Du followed behind with Xie Zhonglin.

(End of this chapter)

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