Chapter 1231 Rescue
Mr. Xie happened to be at home, and he was stunned for a long time before he could react when he heard the report from his servants.

"What did you say? The second young master is back?" He couldn't believe it.

The old servant also burst into tears: "Yes, master, it was the second young master who came back, and the second young lady brought it back."

Mr. Xie stiffened his body, and with the help of the old servant, he fell and stumbled to the yard where Xie Zhonglin used to live.

After learning of his death, the courtyard remained the same as before.

There are few people in the family, and no one lives anyway, so his yard has been preserved.

Mr. Xie saw all the servants who were busy going up and down in the courtyard and finally burst into tears.

It was he who came back. If he hadn't come back, there wouldn't be so many people coming and going in this yard.

Every time he came to this yard, it was always quieter than other yards, and there was no one there.

"What are they doing?" Master Xie asked the old servant who was supporting him in a trembling voice.

The old servant replied: "Second Young Master was injured, Second Young Mistress brought him back, and Doctor Gu is treating him right now."

"He was injured?" Mr. Xie thought of the broken arm buried in the tomb of Xiejia's family.

That was his arm, because Du Wanqing cut off his fingers that year, and he has been wearing a small finger ring all the time.Only Gu Youyou knows how to treat the severed finger sequel, so you can't go wrong, so...

His eyes turned cold, and he hurriedly walked towards the room.

But when he reached the door, he stopped again.

He didn't dare to go, he was really afraid of seeing his dilapidated body, and seeing him die again in front of his eyes.

Well, he'd rather he never came back.

He is old and can no longer bear the second time a white-haired man sends a black-haired man.

"Master!" The servants bowed to him and persuaded him, "Doctor Gu has excellent medical skills, and he is treating the second young master. He will be fine."

Mr. Xie took a step back and said, "I'd better...let's come back later."

He left the old servant beside him and said, "You wait here, let me know what's going on."

"Yes, sir!"

He stumbled to come, and stumbled to leave again, but in the end he still didn't have the courage to go in and have a look.

Gu Youyou and Circe in the house are rescuing Xie Zhonglin.

He was in good health and healed from many injuries.

Only the injury on that leg kept recurring.

Seeing the horrific scars on his whole body, Miss Du stood in the corner and cried.

Cui Ya followed her, tears also streaming down her face.

No matter how much I don't like this uncle, I feel relieved after seeing his miserable appearance.

Now he has really received his retribution, and he has fulfilled his vow with Du Wanqing.

Gu Youyou frowned, and after giving him anesthesia, he began to cut off his necrotic flesh.

There is also some misalignment of the leg bones, but fortunately it is not serious.It's just that after so long, it will be very difficult to correct.

But recalling Xie Zhonglin's astonishing perseverance, Gu Youyou felt that his leg might really return to its original state.

"Cersi, give him medicine."

This operation lasted for more than three hours, and Gu Youyou was already sweating from exhaustion.

A leg infection was the cause of his high fever.

His leg still needs long-term treatment.

Miss Du has been standing in the corner watching, in order not to let herself notice the sound, she has been biting her lips tightly.

Seeing that Gu Youyou's side was finally over, she dared to step forward.

"How is he? Can he live?"

(End of this chapter)

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