Chapter 1233 Why didn't you come back?

They have all experienced life and death and gained new life.

Why can't their lives start over again?
As Circe expected, Xie Zhonglin woke up from pain.

The pain after the anesthetic was unbearable for ordinary people, and he broke out in a cold sweat from the pain.

Miss Du changed another clean towel to wipe the sweat off his forehead, and then he noticed that he was no longer in the dilapidated beggar's house.

Every time he woke up, his leg hurt, this time it was so painful that he couldn't move. When he looked down, he found that his leg was fixed by several straight boards.

Miss Du said in surprise: "Don't move, Yoyo said that your legs can't move, otherwise you will be useless."

"I... you brought me back?"

This is a place he is familiar with, Xie's house.

Miss Du nodded and said, "Yes, you fainted in the snow, and I brought you back."

Still came back.

A tear fell from the corner of Xie Zhonglin's eye, and he closed his eyes.

Miss Du also started sobbing, and after a while she asked, "Since you are alive, why didn't you come back? Why would you rather hide in Fairview City disguised as a beggar, and hide from us on purpose?"

"I...why?" His voice was weak, recalling the time in Xining.

The people in their team and those who followed him were all brothers who had a life-and-death relationship with him.

But they were all dead, they were really hacked to death, but everyone desperately sent him out.

He no longer wanted to recall those memories. He dragged his seriously injured body and fainted in a herdsman's house.

He said to Miss Du: "I narrowly escaped death and was seriously injured. Then I fainted in a herdsman's house. I was raised in their house for a long time before I could barely get out of the field. I left all my valuables to them. After leaving their home, they found that the war had been over for a long time.

I started wandering in the direction of the capital. I had no valuables on me and became disabled again. Naturally, I became a beggar.

After arriving in the capital, I heard that I had died in the line of duty.At that time, I looked like that again, I really felt that it would be better if I died, at least I would have all the friendship of Paoze. "

He looked at Miss Du and said, "I dare not see you, I don't know how to see you like this..."

Miss Du covered her mouth and sobbed softly, "So you really want to die? Did you know that I gave birth to a son for you?"

"I..." Xie Zhonglin said with a painful look on his face, "I know, his name is Jie Yi, he looks so cute."

He would often hide and peek near Manxiulou, of course he knew.

Miss Du cried: "Then why do you have the heart not to let him take a single look at the friendship of Pao Ze?"

Xie Zhonglin was speechless, only learning the soreness in his heart, which was more unbearable than the leg pain.

Hearing footsteps outside, Miss Du stood up, lowered her head and said, "Your father is here, you should talk to him properly."

She stood up and went out with the basin.

Mr. Xie is not too old, but he already has gray hair.

Most of those gray hairs grew out in the past two years. When Xie Zhonglin saw him again, he felt that his father had really become an old father, at least ten years older.

"Father, to make you worry, I..."

Lord Xie waved his hand to prevent him from continuing, he did not approach Xie Zhonglin, but stood at the door, his eyes full of vicissitudes.

He said: "It's good to be alive, I just look at you, so you can rest!"


(End of this chapter)

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