Chapter 1234 Jin Fengzhao is here
Mrs. Zuo of Prince Jin's Mansion gave birth, and she became a man in one fell swoop, making the queen so happy that she couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear.

Of course, it's hard to say whether you're really happy or fake. According to the usual practice, when the eldest son or the first son is born, the royal family will want to organize a full moon banquet.

And Jin Zijin planned to expose their scandals when the children held the full moon banquet.

Now there is only one month left, and he is busy preparing for related matters.

The Duke's Mansion has been deeply entrenched in the court for many years, and it is not easy to remove them.

And if their intertwined relationship network is not handled properly, it may bring disaster to Zhuzhao Kingdom.

It's good to be able to pull out all at once, but it's not easy to do it all at once, so how to handle all kinds of relationships properly is a big question.

When it comes to balancing the forces of various families, the emperor is an expert in this field, so Jin Zijin often runs around the capital these days, and even Gu Youyou seldom sees him.

It's just that an unexpected visitor came to the house today, which made Gu Youyou at a loss as to what to do.

"Jin Fengzhao?" Gu Youyou, who was in the flower hall, remembered that there was such a person in Zhuzhao Country, and she almost forgot.

"Greetings to the eldest concubine!" Jin Fengzhao hurriedly stood up and saluted Gu Youyou after seeing her.

It's really a turn of events. The last time I saw her, Gu Youyou still bowed to her and was slapped and stripped of her clothes.

Today their positions have been reversed.

Gu Youyou smiled wryly: "What are you looking for with the First Prince?"

Jin Zijin is often not at home recently, it is difficult to see him during the day, and sometimes even at night.

"Naturally, I have something important to tell him, and I would like to ask the eldest princess to make it easier for me."

Jin Fengzhao no longer had the arrogance she had back then, and after seeing her for two years, she seemed to have changed a lot.

She is no longer as graceful and luxurious as before, she looks much older, her pampered skin has become sallow, and her body has lost a lot of weight, making her clothes look unfit and big.

Although the clothes he was wearing were still very expensive, they looked a bit old, and they were old styles from before.

If it was before, she wouldn't wear old clothes, it's because her status is different now.

Gu Youyou sized her up, then slowly withdrew her gaze, and said, "It's not that I can't do it, but that he really doesn't have a place in the underworld."

"Where did he go?" Jin Fengzhao asked hurriedly.

Suddenly, she felt that her tone was not good enough, and she asked too hastily, she hurriedly lowered her head again, and said timidly: "I... I do have something very important, can you let me meet the First Prince?"

Gu Youyou saw that she was quite pitiful now. Although she didn't bother to ask about Jin Fengzhao's life in the general's mansion, she could tell that her life was not going well.

Gu Youyou sighed: "He's really not here. If you don't believe me, you might as well wait here. The sky is not coming soon. If you're lucky, you might be able to wait for him to come back sooner."

Gu Youyou said so, even though Jin Fengzhao was impatient, he had nothing to say.

Gu Youyou called the maid to ask Jin Fengzhao to wait in the guest room, but Jin Fengzhao refused.

"Thank you, the eldest princess, for staying. I won't wait any longer. I'll come back another day."

Gu Youyou felt a little strange, but she didn't thank her, and asked someone to send her out.

It was late at night when Jin Zijin came back, and Gu Youyou had already fallen asleep.

In order not to disturb her, he slept in the study outside.

So she didn't rush to tell him about it.

(End of this chapter)

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