It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 1241 The Heart of Stealing the Country

Chapter 1241 The Heart of Stealing the Country
If it weren't for Gu Youyou today, I'm afraid this secret would never be known, so they really got their way.

Gu Youyou said lightly: "You put on your pants first, you need an operation to reconnect these two tendons, I have to go back and prepare some things."

She felt more and more sympathetic to King Jin. In this age, there is only one standard for a man to give birth, that is, whether he can give birth.

It was just vasectomy, so naturally it wouldn't affect his sexual function. In addition to the poor self-esteem of the man at this time, if no one told him, King Jin would never doubt this matter.

So he was killed by his own simplicity.

Gu Youyou sighed: "This matter is really tragic. You probably understand what their purpose is. We will not participate in this matter for the time being. How to deal with this matter is entirely up to you." After a pause, she He also said: "If there is no problem, you can come to me in three days, and I will perform the operation for you."

Jin Wang didn't know how he left the house and how he returned home, his entire face was uglier than that of a dead mother.

It's not a day or two for King Jin to put on a dead face, so outsiders saw it and didn't think much about it.

In private, they only talked about the successive accidents in King Jin's family, so that he would be unhappy.

First, the side concubine poisoned other wives and concubines, causing him to be childless after several years of marriage.

Later, he favored the only concubine who was not poisoned, and made the concubine pregnant, which angered the concubine Zheng.

The concubine ran away in a rage, such a shameful thing, even a man couldn't stand it, let alone King Jin.

Just because the concubine ran away, the concubine who had been favored also fell out of favor, so King Jin had the same face as his dead mother all day long.

The result of everyone's discussion is 'Jin Wang is really miserable'.


The tragic thing that the Duke's Mansion did was cruel enough for King Jin, but it was beneficial for Gu Youyou and Jin Zijin.The dog bit the hair of the dog's mouth, worrying that there was no way to provoke this matter.

Now it seems that without them taking action, they will fight internally.

From King Jin sending Lin Qianqing away, it can be seen that he is actually a bloody man, but the enemy hides too deeply and is too cunning.

With the relationship between the Duke's Mansion and the Queen, King Jin is really hard to guard against.

He always thought that the Duke's Mansion wholeheartedly wanted to help him ascend to the throne, but he didn't think it was just for himself.

Use him to send the descendants of the Duke's family to the throne.

No wonder the empress was so dissatisfied with Lin Qianqing, her concubine was still sitting firmly.

Lin Qianqing should also call Hu Guogong a great-grandfather. The son born to her and Jin Wei will naturally win his heart more than those born to other women.

If Gu Youyou's guess is correct, when King Jin really sits on the throne, his time of death will almost arrive.

After Gu Youyou came back, she told Jin Zijin about this matter. After hearing this, Jin Zijin just smiled lightly and said, "Neither the king of Jin nor the queen will let it go like this, and the Duke's mansion's desire to steal the country ...I thought he just wanted to be a powerful minister, but I didn't expect them to have the heart to steal the country!"

Gu Youyou said calmly: "Such a crime is enough to implicate the nine clans, right?"

Jin Zijin turned to look at her, nodded and said, "That's right, it's the great crime of implicating the nine clans." He frowned deeply, and said again: "Several generations have been officials in the court, and generations of in-laws have spread all over the Zhuzhao Kingdom. If you really want to implicate the Nine Clans, the officials of the Zhuzhao Kingdom will have to go [-] to [-]%, and your uncle's family is also among the Nine Clans..."

 I originally planned to let the emperor do it, but if he did it, I think it would be too tragic. Seeing how pitiful they are, I really can't bear to torture them to death.

  You must know that if the emperor came to do it, they would have no way out and would die miserably.

(End of this chapter)

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