Chapter 1242 Angry

Gu Youyou was startled suddenly and said: "Then I'm afraid it's hard to determine the crime for what you said?"

The emperor will not really kill all the officials of the court, no wonder Jin Zijin still dare not attack the Duke's mansion with his current power.

Such a big family with intertwined roots cannot be killed at will, but can only be done slowly, pulling out its branches one by one.
The emperor is really a capable person to be able to secure the throne under such circumstances.

But they didn't have so much time, that old guy Yu Jizi didn't know where he was hiding, and there was no news at all.

They had better be able to get rid of the cancer in the Duke's Mansion before Yujizi appeared.

"Then what are you going to do now?"

Jin Zijin frowned, and said: "Then the plan needs to be changed a little bit, let's see King Jin's actions first."

Gu Youyou nodded, and said: "Then I'll check on his condition in a few days, he should still hope to be cured, and he will come to me in three days, so why don't we find a way to let him come to our house quietly for treatment?" , and everything in the house is ready.”

"Can it be cured?" Jin Zijin asked with raised eyebrows.

With a proud face, Gu Youyou said, "Of course I can, I'm a miracle doctor."

"How?" Jin Zijin's face suddenly darkened.

Just now I heard her say that she was only thinking about the century-old plan of the Duke's mansion for several generations, but ignored the fault of King Jin itself.

The Duke's Mansion found someone to set up a plan to pierce the "undescribable" place of King Jin?

Well, she is getting fatter and fatter.

"Did you see his wound?"

Gu Youyou felt a dangerous breath coming, shrank her neck, and hurriedly stepped aside.

"Hey, I'm a doctor, in order to make a diagnosis... ah!"

Jin Zijin was furious, he felt that he was surrounded by a room full of vinegar jars, his teeth were so sour.

He grabbed her and said in a deep voice, "So you've read it?"

Gu Youyou wanted to cry, but there was still an operation to be done. She didn't want to lie to him, and she couldn't.So I hope he can support his work, although this kind of thing is a bit difficult for him to accept.

Even modern people, not every man can accept it.

She can also understand these.

She boldly said: "Yes, I read... I read it. If I don't read it, how can I guess that the Duke's mansion is a conspiracy?"

"Still touched?" Jin Zijin's face was getting darker and darker.

Having already decided to confess, Gu Youyou naturally doesn't need to make excuses.

She answered honestly, nodded and said, "Touch, touch. But I'm wearing gloves!"

Actively admit mistakes and seek leniency.

Jin Zijin slowly tightened his grip on her, until her bones ached.

He gritted his teeth and asked with a sneer, "Is it big?"

"Huh? Ah?" Gu Youyou suddenly felt that her brain was not enough. His painting style changed too fast, which caught her off guard, and her IQ dropped by N percentage points.

"Didn't hear you? Want me to repeat that?"

Jin Zijin looked more and more dangerous, she unconsciously broke out in a cold sweat.

It was like being caught raped, although it was really nothing to her, but according to the ancients' thinking, her behavior definitely gave him a cuckold.

It was her lack of thoughtfulness, time went back to the past, she would still help King Jin to see a doctor, but she should have told Jin Zijin in advance, it would be best if he could be there to watch.

She ignored the psychological endurance of the ancients.

But now that it was like this, she had no choice but to betray her integrity again.

(End of this chapter)

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