Chapter 1257 I am also guilty
I tried it at home, and the children of the cousins ​​are compatible. What is going on?Is it a coincidence?
After a while, a guard came back and reported to the emperor: "Your Majesty, Jin Wei has already escaped."

"Run away?" The emperor stood up excitedly.

Jin Wei is also here today. He has already ordered that today's Prince Jin Mansion can only enter but not exit, and he has arranged with Jin Zijin to guard everyone. How could he run away?

"Back to the emperor, Jin Wei called himself unwell before the banquet, long ago..." He didn't finish what he said, the emperor already understood.

He ran away early, there were many guests coming and going at that time, and the defense was not yet ready.

Jin Zijin frowned. Without Jin Wei, it would only prove that the child was not Jin Wang's, but not Jin Wei's. It would be a lot of trouble.

Is he really uncomfortable or fake uncomfortable?

If Jin Wei had sniffed out that something would happen today, he thought it was unlikely.

If he had known that something would happen, the Duke's Mansion must have been prepared and would not have let them go to this point. The old guy, Duke Hu, would have said he was sick, so why would he come to the full moon banquet in such a happy mood?

"Then go to the Duke's Mansion and arrest Jin Wei." The emperor ordered.

Duke Protector fell to the ground, sweating profusely from fright.

Today, the King of Jin turned his back on him suddenly, which caught him off guard.

Which link made a mistake that made King Jin take this step?
To talk about the problems that Doctor Cui showed him, let him know what happened back then, he would never believe it.

If the King of Jin knew about this, how could the Empress be tempted to agree to the borrowing?
But the queen sat next to the emperor, but she didn't say a word, still like a statue.

Duke Protector snorted coldly: "It's just absurd, Xiao Ran, if you knew that we were plotting against you and using you all the time, how could you agree to such absurd thing?"

The king of Jin wept bitterly, kowtowed to the emperor again, and said, "Father, this is exactly the fault of my minister. The reason why I made a big mistake in a single thought is because my minister was dazzled by power. I have been thinking about it." If you want to ascend to the throne by any means, once you secure that position, return today's shame to them one by one.

But Erchen has thought a lot these days, Erchen really can't do it, let them arrange for Jin Wei to leave evil seeds in my house.

I let Lin Qianqing go. She is my first wife. I can't let her be humiliated, so I arranged for someone to send her out of the capital. The emperor can punish the son and minister as the emperor wants. Please don't send anyone to arrest her again. Lin Qianqing, don't blame Master Lin. "

King Jin burst into tears, and the queen, who had been sitting upright like a sculpture, also shed tears.

There was a maid and a child crying heartbreakingly beside him, coupled with the whispering discussions of the guests below, it was very lively for a while.

The emperor said to Luliu irritably: "Take this child back first, and bring him up later when Jin Wei is captured."

Lu Liu was quickly taken down by two guards, and as soon as she entered the remote courtyard, the gate was locked by the guards.

There are several guards outside their courtyard, and only Mrs. Zuo and the child in Luliu's arms are left in the house.

"What's the matter?" Mrs. Zuo fell ill recently. She knew that the child was not Prince Jin's, and that something would happen sooner or later, so she was not surprised that the yard was sealed off.

(End of this chapter)

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