It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 1258 This time it's dead

Chapter 1258 This time it's dead

But because he knew that the child was not King Jin's, he thought of all kinds of terrible things, and his body was not as good as before after giving birth, or he fell ill with love for the man that night, so he couldn't afford to get sick.

Lu Liu cried loudly: "Ma'am, our lives are so sad..."

"Life is hard in the Zuo Mansion. You are married to Jin Wang's Mansion, and your life is still hard. Why did they do that? They calculated and calculated, and it has nothing to do with us if they want to steal the country? Ma'am, why did they want to steal the country?" Let us innocent people be dragged into the water..."

"What's the matter?" Mrs. Zuo didn't know much about those things.

Lu Liu couldn't help crying, "Ma'am, we are dead this time, and we don't have to suffer any more..."

She was already in despair, and she felt that it was better to die, so as not to live in fear all day long, and if she died, she might have a good pregnancy in the next life.

Even if she is still a servant girl, at least let her be with a more powerful master. Mrs. Zuo has been bullied all her life, and she has a weak character. It is really unlucky to keep up with such a master.

It's just that when it comes to dying, she is still very scared. Isn't there a saying that it is better to live than to die?
Now Luliu's heart is contradictory.

Mrs. Zuo watched indifferently as the girl put the child beside the bed, and then she buried her head in tears.

She was already very numb, and asked lightly: "Is it because we are dying? That's fine."

Lu Liu was stunned, and raised her face with tears and said to Mrs. Zuo: "We are indeed going to die, because just now they let me carry the young master to the front hall, and confess blood to the prince..."

"what's the result?"

Hearing these words, Madam Zuo became excited and sat up suddenly.

"As a result..." Lu Liu cried loudly: "As a result, this child is not the son of the prince, ma'am, who is the person staying in your room that night if it is not the prince? Green Liu obviously waits for you and the prince to change clothes every morning... ..."

"It's not the prince's?" Mrs. Zuo murmured.

It's one thing to know, it's another to be recognized.

Now her mood is very complicated, she doesn't know whether she is happy or not.

The man in the night is so gentle and affectionate, it's not that King Jin didn't recognize his face at dawn, which made her feel a little bit happy.

He should still like her, at least when the two of them go to the cloud and rain together.She has been rejected by everyone in her life, but there is always someone who likes her, right?she thought so.

"Ma'am, what's the matter with you?" Seeing Madam Zuo startled, Lu Liu asked worriedly.

Although it is said that Luliu hates Madam Zuo, but she and Madam Zuo grew up together, suffered a lot of hardships with her, and were looked down upon by others, and this feeling is still there.

"No, nothing." Mrs. Zuo said flatly.

"Then why are you not afraid, the child is not the prince's, you can just... but just..."

Mrs. Zuo picked up the child on the bed. The child had stopped crying and was looking at her curiously with wide-open eyes.

This is her son, so cute and so small.

It doesn't matter if she dies, but this child has only been in this world for a month, and there are too many beautiful things that he hasn't seen. As a mother, how can she have the heart to let him live with her?
So she is still afraid.

But what can be done, she can't even control her own life, let alone such a small child.

(End of this chapter)

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