Chapter 1259 Jin Wei is gone

Thinking about it, their mother and son are so innocent, she wants to live a peaceful life, she just wants to protect herself, but...they don't give her a chance to live a peaceful life.

King Jin was so cruel, he accepted her as a concubine, and ignored her, and even found someone to rape her, plot against her, and put a hat of filth on her head.

While Mrs. Zuo was thinking wildly, she felt something under the bed.

Luliu heard it too, stopped crying, lifted the curtain of the bed and looked down.

But I saw that the floor was arching upwards, as if something was about to come out.

Her eyes widened, and she hurriedly got up and helped Mrs. Zuo off the bed. The master and servant retreated to the opposite wall in fear, holding the baby who had just turned one month old, staring at the bed trembling slightly.

The house leaks and rains at night, they will not be able to survive, so what is there to scare them?

The guards who went to the Duke's Mansion soon came back to report, but Jin Wei was not found, so he didn't go back at all.

Then where did he go?
The emperor looked very angry, Duke Hu is now relying on the old to sell the old, pretending to be confused, and using everything, anyway, he would not admit that he planned to frame King Jin back then.

As for the child's biological father, he even denied it. He even said that Jin Wang and Jin Wei had a good relationship in private. Young people, they played too much. His old face felt ashamed, so he kept silent.

So even if the child really belonged to Jin Wei, it could not prove that he planned a conspiracy to steal the country.

The reasons were pulled out one by one, making everyone dumbfounded.

Gu Youyou thought in her heart: No wonder the queen didn't give up even when she arrived at the Yellow River, she didn't admit the evidence in front of her eyes, she could still pull out n reasons to refute it, it's the inheritance of their Duke's mansion.

She wants to see, how can he deny it when all the evidence is in front of him?

But Jin Wei couldn't find it, but it was a big deal.

You must know that Jin Wei is an important person in this kind of thing.

"He won't run away early, will he? Or he feels that he can't stay in this kind of situation, so he finds a reason to go outside to have a drink." Xie Qinyun whispered to Gu Youyou.

If Jin Wei is also forced to help, she thinks it is possible.

Gu Youyou was startled, and frowned.

I heard from Jin Zijin before that Xiao Jinyan found out that Jin Wei really didn't want to let him climb the wall in Prince Jin's mansion. compare.

Hearing what Xie Qinyun said, Gu Youyou thought it was possible.

She turned to Jin Zijin and said, "Should I send someone to look for it in the restaurant?"

Jin Zijin narrowed his eyes and said abruptly, "No, he's not in the restaurant."

"Oh? Then he..."

"I see." Before Gu Youyou finished speaking, Jin Zijin strode away with a sullen face.

King Qin took a look, and hurried to catch up.

Where is the emperor, Duke Protector, King Jin, and the Queen are arguing fiercely, everyone's attention is on them, and no one has noticed that the eldest prince and King Qin have both run away.

Xie Qinyun was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly followed her with her skirt up.

Gu Youyou pulled her back and said, "Hey, what are you doing?"

"I'm going to watch the fun."

Gu Youyou rolled her eyes, and said angrily: "Don't worry about it, do you want to blackmail your prince? Be honest."

And under Mrs. Zuo's bed, a gray-haired man has crawled out of the hole under the bed.

(End of this chapter)

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