Chapter 1280 Seeking Roots
Lin Xingyi was startled, and she lost his temper by what she said.

Looking at it from another angle, what he did was indeed too much, but what could he do?He is loyal to the emperor, as a subject, he eats the king's salary, shouldn't he share his worries for the king?
Why did she think about him and this country?

The Beiping army continued to confront the imperial court, but it was just the next king of Xining.

And it is ordinary people who suffer.

Lin Xingyi said lightly: "Okay, I won't force you, you should think about whether you want to fight. If you really want to fight with the Beiping Army, I, Lin Xingyi, will be the first to recommend myself."

Lin Xingyi walked away in a huff, and Mrs. Lin lay alone on the bed sadly.After a while, he burst into tears.

"How did things come to this?"

All his relatives disappeared overnight, and Lin Xingyi, a civil servant, was still arguing to join the battle. What kind of battle would he join?If he dies, who will protect Qian Qing?

When Qianqing is sent back to her natal family, she will not be bullied to death by the women in the backyard.

No, she can't continue to be sick like this, let alone die, she is a mother, and there are children who need her to protect.


Jin Fengzhao took the brocade book given by the emperor and found that family as he wished. They became landlords in a small town, and the family had several hectares of fertile land, and their life was considered affluent.

They have been incognito here for 30 years and have fully integrated into this small town.

The carriage that Eunuch Wan gave to Zhang Luo was naturally very proud, and it stopped in front of the family surnamed He.

The janitor at the gate was considered to have seen the world in the local area, but he had never seen such a luxurious carriage. He seemed a little weak-legged when he stepped forward to ask questions.

"Who are you looking for?"

A maid stepped forward and said to the young servant: "My lady is a distant relative of your master, passing by this town, come and have a look."

Distant relatives, the boy became excited when he heard that he was a distant relative of his master.

He knew that his master was a wealthy businessman who came here from far away to settle down. Since they were wealthy businessmen, they naturally had many rich distant relatives before they came to this town.

"Please wait here, young lady, and tell my master right now."

The servant stepped into the yard, and a fat man in his 50s was playing with a young and beautiful woman in scantily clad clothes. How 'sexy' was the scene?The young servant really felt his eyes were sharp, he hurriedly said: "Master, there is a lady outside asking to see you, she said she is your distant relative."

"Distant relatives?"

The fat man pushed away the young woman and stood up, thinking: How can a person like me have any distant relatives?After that incident happened that year, he took his wife and children and ran away with money. No one dared to inform him. Naturally, all the distant relatives also stopped practicing, so there are no distant relatives.

"What does it look like?" he asked.

The servant said: "It's a young lady, um, she looks like a young woman, but her family's servants call her Miss, she looks very rich, and the servants followed dozens of people, the carriage is still Where's the big two-horse carriage."

The boy's description made the fat man wonder.

He was slightly taken aback, as if he had thought of something, and was immediately shocked.

"Does that lady look like she's in her 30s?"

The boy said: "Yes, almost 30 years old."

The fat man understood and guessed who was coming.

This made him feel all kinds of feelings in his heart for a while.

It is because of that daughter that he has the glory and wealth he has today.

(End of this chapter)

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