Chapter 1281 Seeking Roots
He used the money from selling his daughter to buy land and became a landlord. Over the years, the landlord has earned a good income. He has bought more land one after another and became the largest landlord in the area. All the glory and wealth in this life are thanks to this. gift from my daughter.

Those who can afford so much money to buy a child must be a rich family, but what makes him wonder is whose family is so boring, spending a lot of money to buy a daughter?

Shouldn't you buy a son to go home and inherit the family business?

But when the boy said that the daughter was dressed in style, his greedy heart became impetuous again.

Maybe which rich man just lost his mind, and his daughter inherited a lot of the family business?
Yes, it must be so.

He laughed a lot of fat and hurriedly said to the boy: "Hurry up, take me to see that young lady."

Rich Lord He was overjoyed when he saw the magnificent carriage outside his courtyard, and cried to Jin Fengzhao on the spot.

"Feng'er, but my Feng'er is back? Do you still remember Dad? You were only three years old when someone took you away..."

After the rich man He cried, everyone knew that this lady who looked very wealthy was his own lady.

He was taken away at the age of three, no wonder no one has heard of it.

But facing his father, Jin Fengzhao was at a loss.

There are some vague memories in her mind, her father is a big fat man.

Looking at the old fat man in front of him, it seemed that it was really him.

She asked: "Are you He Zhishan?"

This is the name they changed after they moved to this town. The emperor has been sending people to keep an eye on the news of this family, so it is written in the brocade book.

The rich man He was stunned, and said: "Yes, father dare not use his original name, and changed his name to He after he arrived in this town."

It was getting late when she rushed over, rich man He looked at the sky and said, "Feng'er, hurry up and go into the house with dad first, Lu and his father and daughter talk slowly."

Sitting at the rich man's house, dozens of people quickly surrounded the house.Fortunately, rich man He is not short of money, and the room does not look crowded.

Rich Man He smiled and introduced to everyone: "This is my daughter, sir. 30 years ago... for some reason, I had to be raised in someone else's house. Now that I'm back, our family is complete."

When Jin Fengzhao left home, he was too young to remember any family members. Now he is listening to Mr. He introduce them one by one.

"Feng'er, this is your elder brother, do you still remember? He is two years older than you, and he will be very reluctant when you leave."

Jin Fengzhao nodded and said, "I have some impressions, brother!"

"Hey, big sister." The eldest brother of the He family responded repeatedly.

"This is your second brother, He Pingsheng, he was not born when you left."

This second younger brother took advantage of the rich man's obese body, his face was full of oil, and he was dressed in silk and satin. Compared with the thin and ordinary elder brother, he looked more like the son of the rich man.

At this time, rich man He pulled out a well-maintained middle-aged woman, and introduced to her: "This is your mother, Mrs. Chen."

"Feng'er!" The Chen family shouted hastily.

Jin Fengzhao was startled. The mother in my impression was a thin, black woman with endless work every day. Is it the wife of the landlord in front of me?

The eldest brother over there took a look in embarrassment, and said, "Sister, this is not our mother, but the aunt my father married later."

As soon as these words came out, their rich father's face darkened, and he gave his eldest son a very rude look.

 Clean up the people in the capital first
(End of this chapter)

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