Chapter 1282 Give a Disappointment

For a long time it was the stepmother, Jin Fengzhao's complexion was not very good, he stared at the rich man and said: "Father, what about my mother?"

The rich man He laughed and said: "Your mother is not in good health, she is resting in the house, and father did not ask her to come out."

"Then let me go and see her." Jin Fengzhao stood up.

The rich man's face froze, and he hurriedly said: "Hey, you are tired from the journey, you should sit down and rest, father will ask someone to invite your mother out."

The rich man He gave the butler beside him a wink, and the butler tactfully withdrew.

Jin Fengzhao came and went in the wind and rain in the palace, why haven't you seen it?

Immediately, I saw that it was tricky, so I insisted on going to see it.

The rich man He and the Chen aunt kept trying to persuade and stop him, but it was useless.

He was also shocked, he didn't expect Jin Fengzhao to be so difficult to speak,

At the same time, I am also curious about where she grew up all these years, and she has a lot of temper.

Passing through the promenade of the courtyard, he came to a remote small courtyard with seven twists and turns.

Seeing this courtyard, which was obviously secluded and dilapidated compared to other courtyards in the house, she immediately understood.

Recommending the door of the small courtyard, a thin old woman was washing clothes inside, and Jin Fengzhao's eyes were moist in an instant.

She is an unlovable regular wife, just like this old woman.

"Is this your mother?" She whispered.

The eldest brother nodded at her, and shouted mother to the old woman loudly.

The old woman was startled and turned around.

The eldest brother said to Jin Fengzhao: "My mother is old, and her ears are a little hard. She can't hear it unless it is so loud."

Then, the eldest brother pointed at Jin Fengzhao and said loudly to the woman: "Mother, this is my sister, eldest sister, Fenger, she is back."

"Feng'er?" The old woman looked at Jin Fengzhao in surprise.

Jin Fengzhao suddenly burst into tears, calling for mother loudly.

There are only a few fragments of childhood memories, one of which is the obese father pointing at the non-stop working mother and yelling at her.She had forgotten what she was scolding, but she remembered that her father was so fierce and her mother was so pitifully scolded, both she and her brother were frightened.

After some family reunions, Jin Fengzhao also cried enough, and then turned around and stared coldly at Mr. He and his concubine.

"Is that how you treat your mother?"

The rich man congratulated him and said: "She is a country woman, she is destined to work, and she will not be happy if you ask her not to work."

"She's from the country, aren't you?"

Jin Fengzhao made him speechless.

The aunt beside him was unhappy, and said with a cold snort: "You don't know where the woman came from. You said she was the master's daughter, and the master recognized it. Why? A daughter is still qualified to be a father." Is it not possible?"

When it comes to putting on airs, no one can compare to Jin Fengzhao.

She glanced over coldly, and said to the maid behind her, "Slap your mouth!"

The maidservant behind her nodded lightly, grabbed the aunt a few times, and beat the aunt until she couldn't react for a long time.At the same time, it also silenced all the people in the room.

The rich man wanted to speak, but he didn't dare.

He is not sure what the situation of this daughter is, but judging by the aura she exudes, it is really not comparable to ordinary people like them.

In case the backing is astonishingly big, it will not be worth the loss if you accidentally offend her.

The aunt was so red and swollen from the beating that she wanted to scold her back. Seeing that her master was timid in front of her, she insisted on not daring. After all, she was also frightened by her aura.

After so many years, why hasn't she heard of such a powerful aunt in the family?

(End of this chapter)

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