It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 1283 Handle the affairs at home

Chapter 1283 Handle the affairs at home

Jin Fengzhao said coldly: "Father, you are no longer a countryman. You are a rich and powerful person, so you can't be petty."

He rich man responded again and again, with a bit of pride: "Yes, Dad is the richest rich man in this town now."

Jin Fengzhao nodded, glanced at the aunt and said, "Since you are a rich family, you must look like a rich family, otherwise people will think you are an upstart, rich but lack the charm of a rich family."

"The charm of a rich family?" How could rich man He understand, he was already a rich man, so he asked, "What does Feng'er mean?"

"The hierarchy of wives and concubines in a rich family is strict. After all, this concubine is also a servant of the family. If she is happy, she will be rewarded with something. If she is not happy, she will be dealt with as she wants. If you teach me a lesson, you have to teach me a lesson, otherwise one day you will dare to climb on top of your master."

She winked at the maid beside her, and the maid went on to help her and said, "Master He, the big family has strict hierarchy, pay attention to the house rules, and the masters of the family are only you and your wife, and the children born of you and your wife. Concubines and children born to concubines are not serious masters. The reason why they can inherit the family's glory and wealth for hundreds of years is because they respect rules. If you spoil concubines and destroy wives, you can only earn one or two generations Prosperity is not a good sign."

Rich Lord He looked at his aunt who was too shocked to speak, and then at Jin Fengzhao who was so arrogant, he was also momentarily stunned speechless.

As an upstart, he only wanted to have fun for a while, how could he know so much?
Jin Fengzhao helped the old woman onto the stool and sat down. She felt that there was no need to ask those words.

Her mother must have been bullied a lot, and her elder brother was definitely no more favored than that chubby younger brother.

Her time was limited, and she didn't want this father to understand anything, so she spoke directly.

"I'll come back to see you and leave tomorrow."

Hearing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Then she said: "Everything in the family will belong to the eldest brother from now on. The second brother is a concubine and has no right to inherit. Dad, did you plan like I said? If not, I will send someone to call the county magistrate here To get a certificate, immediately replace the person in power in the family with the eldest brother. After all, it is not easy for me to come here, so I can't necessarily keep an eye on you."

The rich man almost fell down when he heard this, and called the county magistrate. She didn't blink her eyes when she said that she called the county magistrate, as if she was ordering a servant in the family. Whose family did she grow up in? yes.

The rich man wiped off his cold sweat, but still asked.

"Feng'er, where have you lived all these years, it's easy for Dad to find."

try to find?He took the money and ran away, looking for a fart!
Jin Fengzhao glanced at him indifferently, and said, "I have been living in the north these years, and my family name is Jin."

north?Family name is Jin?
Everyone with the surname Jin in the north is rich and powerful, and the royal family has the surname Jin. Now the rich man has confirmed that this daughter is indeed capable of calling the county magistrate.

No wonder that person back then was so generous. If a girl wanted to sell, it would cost no more than ten taels of silver, but he paid enough money for his entire life to buy his daughter. Will you do this?
He rich man said again and again: "Okay, Dad understands. Before, Dad was confused, but now Dad knows how to do it."

(End of this chapter)

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