Chapter 1284 The Last Bowl of Soup
"Master, what do you mean? You really want to believe her and leave everything in the house to the boss? Don't forget, you promised me before that everything in the house will be left to our son, you You can't change your mind..."

The rich man's face changed, and he pushed his aunt away angrily, and said angrily, "When did I say such a thing? Don't you bitch slander me, get out..."

"Ah, have no conscience..." Auntie began to cry.

The rich man He was startled and angry, and shouted: "What are you doing in a daze, drag this bitch out!"

His aunt was taken away, and he smiled and invited the old woman out of the yard, and apologized blindly to Jin Fengzhao, saying that he was an upstart and didn't understand these things, and he would treat his first wife and eldest son well in the future.

No matter how much of his words are true or false, Jin Fengzhao can only trust her and find her roots. She has no regrets in her life.She stayed for one night, left all her wealth to her mother and eldest brother, and explained that she would come back to see them when she had the opportunity, and left in a carriage.


When Jin Fengzhao returned to the General Xiao's mansion, she suddenly didn't know whether she should go in or not.

Recalling the folk saying that "marry a chicken follow the chicken and marry a dog follow the dog", she finally decided to go in.

No matter how much he looked down on himself, he was still married to him after all.

Seeing that it was still early, she started cooking and personally made a bowl of egg drop soup for Xiao Jinfei.

Jin Fengzhao was raised by the emperor's side since she was a child, and she was pampered. She never cooked before, and it was only after suffering a lot in the past few years that she started to learn how to cook by herself.

Everything else was too difficult, and the first thing she learned was egg drop soup.

Counting Xiao Jinfei's return, she personally took the bowl of egg drop soup to Xiao Jinfei's study.

If it was before, the servants would not let her in, but since the last time Eunuch Wan came, everyone was uncertain about the emperor's attitude towards her, and they dared not treat her like before.

Because if the emperor recognized her as a princess, even their generals would not be able to stop her.

Jin Fengzhao came to Xiao Jinfei's study helplessly all the way, and he was reading a book of war.

"Where to put it."

Xiao Jinfei didn't know it was her, and thought it was a servant who brought him food.

Jin Fengzhao paused for a moment, then picked up his steps again and walked towards him.

Only then did Xiao Jinfei raise his head to look.

Seeing that it was Jin Fengzhao who came, he immediately frowned, and said to her sarcastically, "It's just that Eunuch Wan came here, and you're back to being arrogant again? I thought you'd learned to be good in the past few years."

Jin Fengzhao felt a throbbing pain in his heart, pulled the corner of his mouth, and put the egg drop soup on Xiao Jinfei's table.

She ignored his cynicism, but opened the lid of the egg drop soup, and said to him: "I made this myself. We have been together for so many years, and I have never done anything for you myself."

Xiao Jinfei stared at the bowl of soup, his heart seemed to be moved.

But seeing Jin Fengzhao's face made him extremely disgusted.

He said: "How dare I drink your soup? You should take it away."

Jin Fengzhao was startled, took a sip of the soup in front of him, and said to him: "It's not poisonous, I just want to make you a bowl of soup, you're thinking too much."

Xiao Jinfei was stunned for a moment, because he felt that Jin Fengzhao was different.

Jin Fengzhao turned his face away, and said in a low voice: "I put this bowl of soup here, you can drink it when you want to drink it, if you don't want to drink it... just take a sip, even if I have a taste, I will be satisfied, from now on... I won't make you soup any more."

(End of this chapter)

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