It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 1303 Getting married to save the siege

Chapter 1303 Getting married to save the siege
It should be said that they were not familiar with the emperor of Zhuzhao Country at all, but they were very familiar with Yue Tingfang, the Marquis of Lingnan in Zhuzhao Country, and the troops on the border would greet each other from time to time and cause some friction.

With Yue Tingfang around, Zhuzhao's border security is guaranteed. This is something everyone knows. This person has only one son. If something really happens to his only son, maybe Yue Tingfang will really go crazy.

"Send him back." The people around Emperor Nanzhao suggested.

Emperor Nanzhao glared at the man, his expression a little embarrassed.

Doesn't that make him seem a little too cowardly?Although Nanzhao Kingdom is a small country, it is not so frightening.

He stared at Yue Rujing and said, "You are a prince, a prince, what are you doing here in Nanzhao?"

Yue Rujing looked calm, and said: "Naturally, I came here to exchange some special products. We explained it to your soldiers a long time ago. You just don't believe me."

What a joke.

Emperor Nanzhao snorted coldly: "Are you believable on this statement?"

Yue Rujing smiled sarcastically, and said with a rascal look on her face: "I believe, I believe."

"You..." Nanzhao Emperor said angrily, "You are talking nonsense, I think you are clearly plotting against me, Nanzhao."

"Hey, when you have to talk about evidence, you can't just wrong people just because you are the emperor of Nanzhao."

"Report..." A drawn-out voice sounded outside the hall, causing everyone in the hall to look up at the people outside the hall.

A guard knelt on the ground, holding a scroll in his hand, high above the heads of the whole country.

This scroll is the unique gold and platinum brocade of Zhuzhao Kingdom, and it is their emperor's personal letter.

"What's the matter?" Nanzhao Emperor said displeased.

He doesn't like to be interrupted.

"Report to the emperor, the envoy of Zhuzhao Kingdom is asking to see you."

Everyone in the hall was slightly startled.

The envoy of Zhuzhao Kingdom?They just arrested the eldest prince of Zhuzhao Kingdom today, did this envoy come sooner?

"Present." Nanzhao Emperor frowned.

The Emperor Nanzhao was surprised after reading the contents of the scroll, and hurriedly said: "Quickly invite the envoys in."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The guards went out to invite the envoys, and the emperor glanced at Jin Zijin and Yue Rujing again, and hurriedly said: "Hurry up and give seats to the eldest prince and Yue Shizi."

Yue Rujing glanced at Jin Zijin, looking a little at a loss.

What are the envoys from Zhuzhao Kingdom doing so quickly?It also made the Nanzhao emperor change his face so quickly.

Jin Zijin had no expression on his face, since Ci sat down, he sat down generously.

Jin Zijin sat down so peacefully, Yue Rujing naturally wouldn't be polite to Emperor Nanzhao, and sat beside Jin Zijin carelessly.

After a while, the envoy of the so-called Zhuzhao Kingdom came, and it turned out to be Xie Zhonglin with a broken arm?
This is really, who can't do it, let him come?Don't let Nanzhao think that he looked down on them, so he found a disabled person.

Sure enough, the Nanzhao emperor changed his face when he saw that the envoy was disabled, and the joy of being blessed by a great country disappeared.

The Nanzhao courtiers all looked unhappy, feeling that they were insulted.

"See Emperor Nanzhao." Because Xie Zhonglin only had one arm, he could only bow slightly to Emperor Nanzhao as a salute.

The Nanzhao Emperor coughed and said flatly, "The envoy got up."

In order to show friendship, Emperor Nanzhao gave Xie Zhonglin a seat.

After Xie Zhonglin sat down, he cupped his hands and said to Emperor Nanzhao: "Our emperor wants to send a princess to your country to make peace with Qin and Jin for the good of the two countries. At the same time, we also hope that your country can send a princess of the right age to Zhuzhao Kingdom , What do you think, Your Majesty?"

(End of this chapter)

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