Chapter 1304 Reasons
Want to send the princess to marry?Make peace with a small country in a poor mountain valley like Nanzhao?
The corner of Yue Rujing's mouth twitched, what is the emperor thinking?There are not many children of the emperor's generation, and most of them were plotted to death by the queen. Only three princes survived, and three princesses, and Jin Fengzhao was counted.

After all the calculations, the only one who has lived to reach Jiji's age is the Ninth Princess, that little girl?
Yue Rujing poked Jin Zijin casually with her elbow, but Jin Zijin only turned his head and gave him a faint look, then stopped moving.

Above, the Emperor Nanzhao was naturally very happy.

Nanzhao was the poorest of the surrounding countries. The reason why they were not captured by other countries was because they were too poor, and they felt that they could not get enough money to go to war.The second is that Nanzhao's geographical conditions are limited, and that battle is not easy to fight.

Just climbing the mountain is exhausting.

Over the years, no country has been willing to make marriage with Nanzhao, because there is not enough interest, Zhuzhao country is the first to make peace with them, such a big country, they are naturally happy.

"Is this true?" Emperor Nanzhao was so happy that he couldn't believe his ears.

Xie Zhonglin said: "As evidenced by our emperor's own letter, if His Majesty thinks it is feasible, he can send a married prince to Zhuzhao Kingdom to welcome his relatives."

"Haha, good!" Emperor Nanzhao was overjoyed, and said: "Then I will send my son to the Zhuzhao Kingdom to marry the Princess of the Zhuzhao Kingdom, so as to end the friendship between the two countries, Qin and Jin."

Nanzhao's ministers all showed joy, and then looked at Jin Zijin and Yue Rujing...

Xie Zhonglin hurriedly explained: "Our ninth princess is the youngest daughter of the emperor, and she is deeply loved by several elder brothers, especially His Royal Highness. Hearing that the emperor has sent the ninth princess to Nanzhao for marriage, I am frightened and uneasy. Come to Nanzhao for a field inspection."

Everyone suddenly realized that this was the reason why the eldest prince Zhuzhao came to Nanzhao Kingdom.

Jin Zijin didn't speak until now and stood up to bid farewell to Emperor Nanzhao.

And the weak Yue Rujing also understood that the emperor was planning for a rainy day, and the purpose of marrying the princess was just to find a suitable reason for them to stay in Nanzhao country to make things happen.

It's a pity that the nine princesses were sacrificed.

As a senior brother, he probably doesn't like the emperor making such a decision.

Jin Zijin and Yue Rujing, who found a suitable reason to stay, did not need to stay in the hotel, but, like Xie Zhonglin, lived in the embassy arranged for them by Nanzhao.

Yue Rujing tugged at Zhong Lin's empty sleeves and said, "What is the meaning of the emperor asking you to come?"

Xie Zhonglin said with a smile: "I'm just trying to do my job and fulfill my duties in my position. I can't just take my salary and do nothing?"

"Hehe, you are a diplomat in the Ministry of Rites?"

Xie Zhonglin pulled up his empty sleeves and said: "What can I do as a cripple? I really don't know how to gain a foothold in the court except to find a way out with my own mouth."

Yue Rujing jokingly said: "I heard that your father is the most quick-talking in the court, I think you are not bad."

The two joked a few words, and stopped when they saw Jin Zijin who was silent.

Xie Zhonglin frowned slightly, and asked, "I heard that Dr. Gu is in the hands of the national teacher?"

"Yeah." Jin Zijin snorted, but changed the subject and asked, "How old is Liuying today?"

The atmosphere among the three of them was a bit stiff, Yue Rujing had been by Jin Zijin's side for so many years, so she naturally understood what he was thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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