Chapter 1305
But this is also the emperor's good intentions. Only when the two countries have a good relationship can they stay in Nanzhao. Otherwise, what can they do?

Xie Zhonglin took a deep breath and sighed, "Princess Nine... just reached Ji last month."

"Are you ready?" Jin Zijin's smile was tinged with sarcasm.

"Yes, it's time." Xie Zhonglin looked at Jin Zijin and said, "However, I heard some news that Concubine Sheng had someone change the age of Princess Nine. She was only fourteen last month."

"Fourteen? That means Jiji is one year younger?" The smile on Jin Zijin's face was even stronger, but it didn't reach his eyes, and that smile made people look a bit cold.

Yue Rujing was busy trying to smooth things over, hehe said: "One year's difference is not bad, the food for a princess is good, and she grows fast. She must be seventeen or eighteen when she is fourteen."

The expression on Jin Zijin's face remained unchanged, and Xie Zhonglin said bravely: "There are not no princesses who get married on the [-]th. Sometimes princesses and princes will make some sacrifices for the sake of their homeland and the world."

"Hmph!" Jin Zijin snorted coldly and said, "He's getting more and more confused now."

Xie Zhonglin looked helpless, and said: "I heard the news that Dr. Gu was arrested in Nanzhao, and the ninth princess herself is willing to marry to Nanzhao, eldest prince, it is best for you not to interfere in this matter. It is important to rescue Dr. Gu. ah."

Jin Zijin closed his eyes helplessly, and said: "You guys don't understand Yoyo's personality, we can swear to achieve our goal, if she knows that Jin Liuying was sacrificed in order to save her, she will be restless for the rest of her life."

"Hey, Senior Brother, you're taking it too seriously." Yue Rujing said, "The Ninth Princess is not married to anyone. Sooner or later, she will be married at the emperor's finger. Now you think it's a loss for her to marry in this remote place, but Is she lacking in glory and wealth? There is no shortage of people, maybe the mountains and rivers of Nanzhao are just what she wants.

It is not important to get along with each other, the key is that people are happy.If she had the opportunity to rescue her master, but she refused, and she would feel regretful when she thought about it in the future, that would be a lifetime of regret. "

"That's right, that's exactly the reason." Xie Zhonglin also persuaded: "Now it's not about sacrifice or sacrifice, we will continue to deal with the national teacher here, and we won't leave immediately. At that time, we will help the Ninth Princess to do a good job Let's see, if she is really having a bad time, let's find a way."

Although Jin Zijin was extremely reluctant to use this method, there was nothing he could do now.

There are many ways to stay in Nanzhao in an upright manner, and it is undoubtedly the best way to make Qin and Jin friendship with Nanzhao in the way of kinship.


The Nanzhao Kingdom wanted to select a marriageable prince to go to the Zhuzhao Kingdom to welcome their relatives. The Nanzhao Emperor selected a few candidates who he thought were pretty good, and sent someone to the posthouse to inform Jin Zijin and the others, and let them come. Pick and choose together.

Yue Rujing smiled and said: "Look, the Emperor of Nanzhao is quite reliable. He even asked you to go and have a look, so he didn't just make a mess."

Jin Zijin said nothing with a sullen face. Since he can only marry the princess far away, he can only try his best to check her and marry her well.

The people who were selected were young men from fifteen to twenty-five in the Nanzhao Royal Clan.Introduced by Emperor Nanzhao, the second prince was 25 years old, and his concubine died just last year, so he has not yet found a suitable candidate, so he is also qualified to marry the son of Zhuzhao Kingdom.

Yue Rujing whispered at the side: "It's too old, your sister is only fourteen, maybe the second prince's eldest son is as tall as your sister."

(End of this chapter)

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