Chapter 1308 Why get married?

Well, women from Nanzhao are indeed bolder than Xiaojiabiyu from Zhuzhao Kingdom.

But Yue Rujing didn't admit it, and said sullenly: "Brother, did your eye see that I like Nanzhao women?"

"How did you know if you didn't look for it?"

"Hey, I..."

"Okay, don't worry for now, go talk to Emperor Nanzhao tomorrow, give you some time, tell him after you find a woman you like, can you not force you to make a decision so quickly?"

Yue Rujing: "..."

"You can only use the trick of procrastination first."


After finalizing the candidate with the Nanzhao Emperor, they quickly planned a date to go to the Zhuzhao Kingdom to welcome their relatives.

And the person they chose was none other than the fifteenth prince, Zhao Yanzhong.

The day before the departure, the fifteenth prince Zhao Yanzhong picked a day alone to visit Jin Zijin and others in the posthouse.

The day had already been set, he didn't have time to play charades with Jin Zijin and the others, so he spoke directly.

"Prince, Yan Zhong just asks, why did Zhu Zhaoguo suddenly propose marriage with Nanzhao?"

Facing his quick words, the three people at the scene didn't know how to answer.

Jin Zijin suddenly pulled the corners of his mouth, and said with a smile: "I just like the quick talk of the fifteenth prince. Since you ask me, then we have nothing to hide."

Yue Rujing looked at Jin Zijin nervously, and Xie Zhonglin frowned.

Jin Zijin was unmoved, and said to Zhao Yanzhong: "This is related to your great witch doctor, do you know who your great witch doctor is?"

"Great witch doctor?" Zhao Yanzhong frowned and said, "I don't know."

Yue Rujing hummed at the side: "He is the former national teacher of our Zhuzhao Kingdom, Yu Jizi, the suzerain of the Taoist Xuanzong, and the uncle of our two brothers. We only found out not long ago that he has another identity, Nanzhao Kingdom great witch doctor."

Zhao Yanzhong was surprised, but only surprised.

They all know that the great witch doctor is powerful, that the dragon never sees the end, and that the people of Nanzhao respect him very much. His identity has always been very mysterious in Nanzhao. As for who he is, it doesn't matter to them at all. .

He was stunned for a moment, then asked again: "What does that have to do with your coming to Nanzhao?"

Yue Rujing rushed ahead of Jin Zijin and said angrily: "He stole my senior brother's wife, we can't beat him, we can't help him, we can only come to Nanzhao to spend time with him." Yue Rujing rushed to Zhao Yanzhong She cupped her hands and said, "We came to Nanzhao without malice, just to save people. Now the emperor intends to let the two countries form a good relationship between Qin and Jin. I hope that the fifteenth prince will not think about it."

Zhao Yanzhong was stunned for a while, then cupped his hands and said: "Then I understand, thank you for telling the truth, and I will leave."

As for why the great witch doctor wanted to snatch the great prince and concubine who had candlelight, he felt that he had better not think about it, lest he feel chills all over his body.

Seeing Zhao Yanzhong walk away, Yue Rujing said to Jin Zijin worriedly: "Brother, do you think this Zhao Yanzhong is reliable?"

Jin Zijin looked at Zhonglin for understanding.

Xie Zhonglin said seriously: "He is a gentleman who walks the talk. Compared with the others, he is quite reliable."

Now that they have been compared, there is no need to say whether they are reliable or not.


At night, Jin Zijin sneaked into Gu Youyou's stilted building again.

After being warned by Yu Jizi last time, he never came again. This is the second time he came here to see her.

They were obviously married, and their children could already walk, but unexpectedly, they went back and forth and went back to the old days.

(End of this chapter)

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