Chapter 1309 see her again
I can't see anyone during the day, so I can secretly come to see her at night.

Gu Youyou studied the ink well, and wrote in small regular script with a pen.

She is not a person who is suitable for a decadent life. Since her freedom is restricted, she spends her spare time writing medical books and writing some fairy tales for Jin Xuyao.

Even if something happens to her, she also hopes that her medical books can be passed down, so that her son can spend his childhood with a mother with the fairy tales she wrote.

Fortunately, apart from restricting her freedom, they treated her fairly well in other respects. She asked for pens, inks, papers and inkstones, and they brought them to her.

Sensing someone entering her room, her hand holding the brush stopped immediately.

Turning her head, she saw a darker shadow in the place where the candlelight could not reach.

There was a tremor in her heart, and she asked tentatively, "Zijin?"

The person in the shadow wriggled his throat and replied with a hoarse voice: "It's me!"

A drop of pitch-black ink fell onto the paper, blurring a ball of ink.

Gu Youyou's body trembled. Seeing that the writing brush was hanging on the pen stand, she walked towards the black figure a few steps, and threw herself on him.

"You're here, why are you here again? Is there any danger?" She seemed incoherent in her speech, "I'm fine. Look at me. I'm looking forward to your coming, and I'm also hoping that you won't come. Didn't I tell you last time, I told you to go back earlier. You go back early and take care of Jin Ziyuan, I will be fine, why didn't you listen to my words and came here again, in case you pissed that old pervert again... ..."

"Yuyou!" There was a trace of sobs in his voice to stop her from chattering, he said: "Don't talk, I just came to see you."


"Don't say it!" He gently reached out and pressed her lips.

"You are here, I'm not going anywhere, I won't go back. Don't worry about anything, just eat and drink well, and take good care of yourself. Come, let me see if I've lost weight."

Gu Youyou couldn't help but smile, and said: "I have nothing to do here, I eat and sleep all day long, you should worry about whether I will gain weight."

"It's better to be fatter, and it's better to be fatter." Jin Zijin grinned with difficulty, looked at the candlelight, and asked in a low voice: "It's so late, you still haven't slept, what are you doing?"

Gu Youyou hurriedly put away what she had written, and said, "I slept too much during the day, so I couldn't sleep at night, so I just wrote casually."

Jin Zijin snatched the paper from her hand without any effort, Gu Youyou jumped up to take it, but he hid it high and dodged it.

"It's really nothing, it's just for fun." Gu Youyou said hurriedly.

"Then let me see." Jin Zijin said.

He looked at it for a moment, and slowly frowned.

He glanced at the sleepy Gu Youyou and said, "I'm writing a medical book."

Gu Youyou grinned and said, "Yeah, that's all I'm interested in, so I just write when I have nothing to do."

Jin Zijin turned his head and saw a thick stack of papers on a box. He stepped forward a few steps, took the stack of papers in his hands, and asked high, "You wrote it in a short time?" So much? It takes a lot of energy to write these things, don’t you write all day and night?”

"No, it's not!" Gu Youyou explained: "These are not medical books, but fairy tales I wrote for Xu Yao, which children love to hear. Medical writing is a bit laborious, but fairy tales don't work, and soon Just write it."

(End of this chapter)

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