Chapter 1317 Yujizi leaves
"Hmph, whatever you want, stay away from me, don't hurt me."

Gu Yunxi: "..."

The welcoming team was rushing back, at the same time, Yu Jizi in Nanzhao Taihe City received a message.

Jin Ziyuan appeared, in the East China Sea.

He started kidnapping Gu Youyou, and it has been more than half a year now, but there is no news of Jin Ziyuan, which makes him very depressed. Now that he finally has news of Jin Ziyuan, how could he let it go, and immediately called Zhiqiu.

"Master, why are you looking for Zhiqiu?"

Yu Jizi stood in front of the window with his hands behind his back, looking at the mountains and rivers outside the window, his eyes showed a somewhat detached look.

Coupled with his silver hair and straight back, the charm of that body is astonishing.

Zhiqiu was very surprised to see it, and sighed in his heart that his master is really very comparable, and it would be great if he could cultivate the spirit of his master in the future.

Yu Jizi didn't look back, but said indifferently: "With the news of Jin Ziyuan, as a teacher, I have to leave for a while, so you can just keep Gu Youyou here."

"Master is leaving?" Zhiqiu asked in surprise, "Didn't it mean that Jin Ziyuan would take the bait by himself?"

Yu Jizi sighed softly, "Maybe my teacher misjudged him."

After so many years, Gu Youyou is married and has a child, so it's hard to say whether her position in Jin Ziyuan's heart is still the same as it was back then.

"Then..." Zhiqiu showed embarrassment, and said embarrassingly: "Jin Zijin and Yue Rujing have been guarding near this village, what if the master leaves and they come to snatch people?"

Yu Jizi tilted his head slightly, and said, "Then let them snatch it away."

"Ah? Then won't our work be in vain if we capture Gu Youyou?" Zhiqiu didn't understand.

Yu Jizi showed a warm smile on his face, and said haha: "Zhiqiu, where can they snatch people away? As long as the secret of heaven does not appear, even if they snatch people back to the palace of Zhuzhao Kingdom, as long as the teacher thinks Do it, and you can bring her out."

Zhiqiu heaved a sigh of relief, and thought: Master is really domineering, if only he can have half of master's achievements in the future.

It's just that no one thought that this was a game set up by Jin Ziyuan before he left.

Jin Ziyuan finally went to Kucha with Yu Jiang, but he was so angry that before leaving, he put Yu Jizi together.

With Yu Jizi's ability, if he hadn't been looking for Jin Ziyuan, he would have gone crazy, and he wouldn't have been fooled by him.

Although this move could not allow Jin Zijin to rescue Gu Youyou, it did them a great favor.


Knowing the news of Yu Jizi's departure, Jin Zijin couldn't help but let Yue Rujing and Xie Zhonglin come to the village of witch doctors the next day.

When the people in the village saw two strangers coming, they came out one after another and looked at the three of them.

"Are you coming to the witch doctor's village for business?" the person in charge asked.

Without Yujizi, they would naturally come proudly.Yue Rujing stepped forward carelessly, and said, "My senior brother feels unwell recently, so come to the witch doctor village to have a look."

It is normal for sick people to come to the witch doctor's village. People here believe in witch doctors and reject doctors, which is not much better than Zhuzhao country's belief in Taoism and rejection of Buddhism.

As soon as the person in charge heard that they were coming to see a doctor, he hurriedly invited them into the house and asked, "Is there a designated witch doctor? If not, then I will arrange one for you."

Yue Rujing coughed lightly, and said, "No, we are from Zhuzhao country, we don't go to witch doctor when we see a doctor, we come to see a doctor."

 I have an event to attend today, I thought it would end very early, but I didn't expect it to be until 7pm, sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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