Chapter 1318
"Looking for a doctor?" The face of the person in charge immediately sank, and he snorted coldly: "Zhu Zhaoren, I think you have come here by mistake, we only have witch doctors here, and no doctors."

"No, no, yes, we know that you have a doctor here. You hide the doctor and don't treat us. If something happens to my brother, even your Nanzhao emperor can't afford it!"

"You..." The man in charge turned livid with anger, and snorted coldly: "Your Majesty can afford it, and we don't have a doctor. We are a witch doctor's house here."

"Oh? Really?" He suddenly pointed to a building on stilts and said, "How did I hear that there was a doctor living there, what? Didn't your big witch doctor tell you?"

"How is it possible?" The manager looked surprised, shook his head and said, "We in Nanzhao don't trust your doctor, our great witch doctor can't possibly bring back a doctor."

He knew that there was a woman living there, who was brought back by the great witch doctor. Usually, everyone respected the great witch doctor very much, and as long as he didn't tell, no one would ask, but he never thought that the woman brought back by the great witch doctor was a woman. doctor.

"Then you go and ask her if she can cure my brother's illness." Yue Rujing refused to let her go.

The manager felt that Yue Rujing was unreasonable, and snorted coldly: "Our witch doctor's village doesn't accept your patients, do you want to find a doctor? If you have the ability, go back to Zhuzhao Country to find the doctor you are looking for. We don't have the doctor you are looking for here. Let's go, Come on, get these two people out of here."

After a while, more than a dozen witch doctors from Nanzhao Kingdom came and surrounded Yue Rujing and Xie Zhonglin.

Yue Rujing was not afraid of death and clamored, but Xie Zhonglin saw that something was wrong, so he quickly explained to the manager: "Everyone, please be calm and don't be impatient, what do you want to say next?"

Xie Zhonglin is disabled, no matter what kind of doctor he is, he has a little sympathy for such people.

Seeing that the young man's humble attitude was in stark contrast to the cursing Yue Rujing, everyone's attitude towards him was also much better.

The person in charge waved to everyone, telling them to wait a moment.Then he said to Xie Zhonglin: "You seem to be a reasonable person, okay, let's listen to you first."

Xie Zhonglin appeased the disliked Yue Rujing, and then spoke nicely to the witch doctors.

"Everyone should have heard that Nanzhao Kingdom and Zhuzhao Kingdom are going to marry the Qin and Jin Dynasties. Counting the days, the [-]th prince of your country should be on his way to Zhuzhao Kingdom to marry the princess."

The steward nodded and said, "That's right, the whole city knows about this now, so we naturally know about it."

Xie Zhonglin smiled and said: "I am the envoy of the Zhuzhao Kingdom, and the sick person is our eldest prince. Please ask the witch doctor for convenience. The illness of the eldest prince cannot be delayed."

"Eldest Prince of Zhuzhao Country?" Now the person in charge can't drive them away casually. He looked at the two people with a look of surprise, and then said worriedly: "Since the Eldest Prince is ill, naturally there is no delay, both please return the favor." Please lead the way, we will treat the First Prince right away."

That Xiangyue Rujing was depressed, and said: "Who wants you to go? We said, we don't want witch doctors, we want doctors."

"We said, we don't have witch doctors."

"Then call the woman on the stilted building to come and take a look with us."

"That's the person brought by the great witch doctor, we can't let her go with you."

"Do you mean to delay my brother's illness? Or do you want me to go to the palace and ask your Majesty for an imperial decree?"

(End of this chapter)

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