It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 1324 Raise the Witch Doctor Top Pack

Chapter 1324 Raise the Witch Doctor Top Pack
What he said was like a beautiful dream.Sitting in the yard of her home, she can see mountains and rivers. Such images have only appeared in her dreams. When she dreams, she will draw them into her paintings.

Feeling that the happiness came too suddenly, she was so happy that she forgot to take shape for a moment, Jin Liuying couldn't help but rushed towards the dream weaver sitting opposite, and the unique breath of a young man came from the tip of her nose, which woke her up suddenly.

Jin Liuying was taken aback for a moment, let go of her hands in a panic, and sat up straight.

He didn't dare to look directly at the person opposite, pretending to look out of the window casually.

Zhao Yanzhong's expression was also a bit stiff, the sudden hug just now caught both of them off guard.

He pursed his lips lightly, just thinking it was a beautiful accident.

The convoy finally arrived in Taihe City, and the Emperor Nanzhao, who had heard the news earlier, greeted him in person, which shows that he attaches great importance to this peace with the Zhuzhao Kingdom.

Jin Liuying had put on her wedding gown and hijab the day before entering Taihe City. At this time, Zhao Yanzhong, who was also wearing a red wedding dress, carried her down from the carriage, saw her hand, and met Nanzhao emperor.

"Brother Huang, this is Jin Liuying, the Ninth Princess of Zhuzhao Kingdom."

"Brother Huang!" Jin Liuying bowed slightly under the hijab.

The emperor laughed loudly and said: "Okay, the princess has worked hard all the way, hurry up and go to the palace."

The Nanzhao emperor had already prepared for them the things they needed to get married. As soon as they arrived, they would get married according to Nanzhao's wedding etiquette and enter the bridal chamber.

The Nanzhao Kingdom doesn't have as many rules as the Zhuzhao Kingdom. They are not considered auspicious days, as long as the men and women see each other correctly and they can match each other's folk songs.

In order to make the atmosphere more lively, there were not only one couple, but several couples who were singing folk songs. At night, everyone lit a bonfire and had fun.

Jin Zijin led Gu Youyou towards the Nanzhao Emperor, and the Nanzhao Emperor was also very surprised to see that the eldest prince of the Zhuzhao Kingdom had brought a woman here while he was changing cups.

While he was looking at Gu Youyou, Jin Zijin introduced to him: "Your Majesty, this is my wife, Gu Youyou."

Few people introduced their wives by their names, and they were generally called Jin Gu. He couldn't help but surprise the Nanzhao Emperor by introducing him like this.

However, in this kind of situation, as the emperor of Nanzhao, he naturally could live up to it. He said with a smile: "It turns out that the eldest princess and concubine also came to Nanzhao Kingdom, which really makes our country flourish."

But Jin Zijin said: "A few days ago I fell ill. Ah Jing was worried that the witch doctor could treat me, so she invited my wife. Originally, my wife was a guest in the witch doctor's village at the invitation of the great witch doctor in your country." , to study witchcraft and medicine together."

"Ah...?" The Emperor Nanzhao couldn't help it, his face was full of shock.

"The great witch doctor studies medical skills? The eldest princess is interested in our witchcraft?"

Don't medicine and witchcraft look down on each other?have been mutually exclusive for thousands of years.

In fact, Emperor Nanzhao was an open-minded person. He was not very superstitious. In his opinion, it didn't matter whether he had witchcraft or medical skills, as long as he could save lives.

Otherwise, when he was infected with typhoid fever in the barracks, he would not have insisted on letting people try the treatment plan sent by Yue Tingfang.

Facts have proved that it is indeed useful. Under the treatment plan sent by Yue Tingfang, the death toll of the epidemic was minimized.

Facing the surprised Nanzhao Emperor, Gu Youyou just smiled and said: "Your Majesty, I am a doctor, and the doctor who puts the most emphasis on saving lives, no matter medical skills or witchcraft, as long as I can save people, I like to study a little bit."

(End of this chapter)

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