It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 1325 Attitude of Emperor Nanzhao

Chapter 1325 Attitude of Emperor Nanzhao
When Emperor Nanzhao heard this, he immediately liked Gu Youyou a little bit.

There is actually someone in this world who thinks the same as him, and he thinks the same way, but those old stubborn people insist on seeing it, they believe in witch gods, and they don't believe in anyone except witch doctors.

He can manage people in a country, but he can't change a person's belief, let alone a belief that is innocuous. It seems that there is no need to do more than call those diehards a fool behind their backs.

The Emperor of Nanzhao laughed and said, "Good job, doctor who saves people. I hope you can achieve something in Nanzhao Kingdom. If you need my help, please ask. I will do my best for you within the scope of my ability." Provide convenience."

Emperor Nanzhao actually thought so. The meaning behind what he said was already very clear, at least it showed that he was not rejecting doctors.

Of course, it may also be a polite remark, after all, the two countries are on good terms now, but no matter what, this is really a pleasant surprise for Gu Youyou and Jin Zijin.

Gu Youyou hurriedly struck while the iron was hot, and said, "Your Majesty, you may not have seen me, but you may have heard of me."

"Oh? You are..."

"My name is Gu Youyou. When a typhoid epidemic broke out in the Lingnan military camp, the good treatment plan came from me. Later, the prescription that Lord Yue ordered someone to send into your country was also from me."

"Ah? So it's you?" Emperor Nanzhao said with shock on his face, "I always thought that the person who could cure that kind of disease was a fairy-like figure like a great witch doctor, but I didn't want to be such a young girl. What a shame. It took me by surprise!"

Gu Youyou lowered her eyes modestly, and said: "Your Majesty, witchcraft and medical skills have their own advantages. The diseases that the great witch doctor can cure may not necessarily be cured by the great witch doctor, and the diseases that the great witch doctor can cure may not be cured by the great witch doctor, so the great witch doctor will not be able to cure you." Inviting Youyou to come to your country to study the method of saving people is for the benefit of the common people."

These words touched the emperor's heart. The doctor cured the disease that the witch doctor could not cure. If it were someone else, he would definitely take this opportunity to belittle the other party and then praise himself, but Gu Youyou didn't care. Instead of doing so, he pointed out his own shortcomings and subtly stated that medical skills are equally important.

Such a woman is unusual, not inferior to men, it is unbelievable that such a woman can be born in a place like Zhuzhao Country.

After meeting the Emperor of Nanzhao, Jin Zijin and Gu Youyou retreated to their seats, and Jin Zijin was dragged by Yue Rujing and the emperors of Nanzhao from time to time to circle around the bonfire and drink some wine.

At this time, a sneaky person approached Gu Youyou, scaring her.

When she saw the person in front of her clearly, she was really startled.

"How did you come?"

Circe was wearing the clothes of the Nanzhao Palace. In the dark night, she was sitting a little far away from the fire, and she was not recognized for a while.

"I am the dowry of Princess Nine." Circe said confidently.

Gu Youyou: "..."

She pushed Circe and said, "Stop talking nonsense, how can I not know what you think? Oh, what will my son do when you come? Just rely on that stupid girl like Xiang Toon?"

"Then I don't know how to take care of children. Your son just started babbling, and the noise is annoying."

Gu Youyou: "..."

"Oh, that's fine, I'm here, you can figure it out."

Circe's just acting like a rascal, that's all there is to it, and see what you can do about it.

(End of this chapter)

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