Chapter 1330 Amazed
Perhaps the venom of that bug is what causes people to turn into vegetative states.

"En!" Jin Zijin replied in a low voice, and said, "Yu Jizi probably wants to use this method to swallow Jin Ziyuan's soul, so that he can replace his own soul."

After finishing speaking, he took out the booklet he remembered in the cave earlier, and showed Gu Youyou one of the pages.

Those were several paintings. In the first one, some dark worms crawled over the body of the person lying on the stone platform, and the person was struggling in pain.

In the second painting, the man completely lost his soul. Although his eyes were open, he seemed to be unable to see anything.And on the ground, there was a broken shadow being bitten by a group of black bugs.

Jin Zijin said: "This broken shadow expresses the soul of the person on the altar."

Gu Youyou felt a chill when he heard it.

In the third picture, several people cleaned the person on the altar and painted runes all over his body.

In the fourth painting, there is also a person in a robe who continues to place various bugs underground. These bugs are different from the bugs that devoured the soul just now, and are much larger.

Jin Zijin said that he has not yet found out what type of Gu worm it is.

Then, in the fifth painting, the man in black was lying on the ground, and all the bugs swarmed up and lifted him up.

No, strictly speaking, it wasn't him that lifted up, but a phantom.

According to them, it should be the soul of the man in black.

Those Gu insects lifted the soul of the man in black, walked towards the altar little by little, and placed it on the body of the altar.

Then a miracle happened, the soul of the man in black robe slowly merged with the body of the altar, and the man stood up.

He stepped off the altar, the shadow didn't seem to fit the body enough, a part of the body went out.

Afterwards, countless bugs swarmed up and pressed his crooked shadow into that body.

After reading it, Gu Youyou sighed, it was like reading a horror story book.

Not to mention that this unbelievable thing is not credible, but with such a cruel way to deal with a person, it can be seen that Yu Jizi is really an old pervert.


Gu Youyou and Circe are going into the palace, each of them prepared a big box, and waited for someone from the palace to invite them.

Two hours in a row passed, and it was almost dark, so the porter hurried over.

"Shizi Yue sent back a message that the people in the palace are coming soon, let everyone prepare."

Oh, it's all set.

Gu Youyou called Circe, sat in the yard pretending not to know anything, drinking tea and chatting silently.

The one who came was a court lady in her 40s. She passed down an oral order for the Nanzhao Emperor, asking Jin Zijin and his wife to enter the palace for a story, but she didn't mention anything about seeing a doctor for the Empress Dowager.

Gu Youyou already understood what Emperor Nanzhao meant.

If there is no fanfare and announcement to enter the palace to treat the Queen Mother, then she will not get the effect she wants.She was a little disappointed, but she had to let Circe take the box with her.

The Emperor Nanzhao meant that he was sick enough to show them, but the credit is not so easy to get.

As the emperor of Nanzhao Kingdom, even if he believed in medical skills, he would not be so stupid as to use medical skills to suppress their witchcraft that has been passed down for thousands of years, otherwise he, the emperor, might have succeeded.

"Let's go, every step counts." Gu Youyou sighed.

In the Nanzhao Imperial Palace, those witch doctors had already retreated, and the sky was getting dark. Gu Youyou and Jin Zijin were all dressed up, and it seemed that they were here to attend the dinner held by the emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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