Chapter 1331
Soon they were called into the Empress Dowager's palace, and their false faces faded away. The Nanzhao Emperor waved all the palace people back, and only then did he tell the truth to them.

"In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, I have been wronged."

What else can I say?
After all, they were eager for quick success, Gu Youyou said with a light smile: "Doctors only want to save people, and there is no such thing as being wronged or wronged. Your Majesty is being polite."

Circe's contempt for Gu Youyou rose again, and she felt that she was becoming more and more hypocritical now.

He obviously cared a lot, and even said that he was very angry.

"This is?" Emperor Nanzhao looked at Circe in surprise.

Gu Youyou said: "She is also a doctor, my assistant."

Emperor Nanzhao: "..." Is it necessary for a doctor to have an assistant?
"Eldest Prince, please wait outside for a while, and invite two doctors to come in to treat the Empress Dowager."

Jin Zijin nodded, but said nothing.

Gu Youyou and Circe were invited to the Queen Mother's bedroom, and the old lady had already fallen asleep.

The Emperor Nanzhao wanted someone to wake her up, but Gu Youyou stopped him with a silent gesture.

"Don't wake up in a hurry, I'll take a look first."

The Empress Dowager of Nanzhao Kingdom is a woman who looks to be in her 60s. Her hair is combed meticulously by the palace people, half of which is black and white.

At this time, she was sleeping soundly, her complexion was yellow, and she looked a little exhausted.

Gu Youyou sighed: "The Queen Mother looks very tired."

Emperor Nanzhao said: "That's right, the queen mother was tossed by those witch doctors all day, and she couldn't eat, so she finally fell asleep."

Circe sneered and said, "The patient can't even rest well, how can he be cured?"

Gu Youyou hurriedly turned her head and glared at her, so Circe reluctantly shut up.

This made Nanzhao Emperor very embarrassed, Gu Youyou smiled and said slowly: "Please forgive me, she is a descendant of the ghost doctor family, the ghost doctor family is skilled and bold, and there are some eccentricities to some extent, please don't let it go." On the body."

The emperor of Nanzhao didn't know about the ghost doctor who made money, but what Gu Youyou said was that this doctor was very capable, so he was a bit weird.

Thinking about those people with real abilities in Nanzhao Kingdom, they all didn't take the imperial power seriously, and he was relieved when he thought of this.

As long as he can cure the queen mother's illness, he doesn't bother with a little girl.

"Doctor Gu, please."

Gu Youyou nodded slightly, and sat on the stool beside the Queen Mother's bed.

First he felt her pulse, and then asked: "What is the queen mother's illness?"


"What's wrong with her body?"

The Emperor Nanzhao sighed: "My mother started coughing more than a month ago, and I thought she was just a common cough, and she took the medicine pills sent by the witch doctor, but it hasn't recovered.

Now it's getting worse, and sometimes she can't stop coughing, and the sound of coughing is so penetrating, she just falls asleep, and maybe she will be woken up by coughing again later. "

"Cough?" There are many coughing diseases, it is best to look at the Queen Mother's throat.But now it's so late, the lighting technology at this time can't help Gu Youyou see the Queen Mother's throat.

She stood up, took some ointment and some pills from the medicine box, and said to Emperor Nanzhao: "If the Empress Dowager wakes up and coughs, let her eat this medicine. Give him this ointment now." Put it on, it can help her cough at night."

The Emperor Nanzhao ordered someone to take Gu Youyou's medicine, and asked, "Is this all right?"

(End of this chapter)

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