Chapter 1332 Change Your Thinking
Gu Youyou said: "Not yet, but it's so late now, I can't make a diagnosis. I'll come tomorrow at noon." The medical facilities are so poor, she can't help it.

"Daytime?" Emperor Nanzhao became a little embarrassed, the key is...

He said: "My queen mother only believes in witch doctors. I'm afraid she won't cooperate with her if she knows that Dr. Gu is not a witch doctor. How about this? You will dress up as a witch doctor tomorrow, so that she will think that you are also a witch doctor." .”

Gu Youyou: "..."

Circe turned her head contemptuously, and it was already tolerable not to say something offensive on the spot.

In this way, wouldn't it help him save someone, and also increase the reputation of the witch doctor?

Gu Youyou gave her a calm look, everything is unpredictable, who knows what will happen tomorrow?
But now she has no way to refuse. Since she can't justify the doctor's name, she can only hope that the Emperor Nanzhao will help them more in the future because of their merits.

Gu Youyou smiled and said: "Okay, Your Majesty, then Youyou will come back tomorrow, so I will take my leave first."

"Well, please!"


Gu Youyou went all the way back to the station with a sullen face. Jin Zijin knew why she was depressed and angry, but he laughed and said, "Witch doctors have been deeply rooted in Zhuzhao Kingdom for thousands of years, how can they be banned so easily? You, I’m too eager for success, let’s just cure the queen mother first, it’s already good enough to gain the trust of Emperor Zhengzhen of Nanzhao.”

Gu Youyou snorted coldly and said, "Are these people really pedantic? They're almost dying of illness and still believe in such great dancing gods? If they can cure their illness, why do they need to call me?"

"Yes yes yes..." The smile on Jin Zijin's face grew stronger, and when he returned to the house, he locked the door, hugged her up, and said, "You might as well think about it in a different direction, such as candle lighting In China, a person who did not believe in witchcraft at all was ill. When he had reached the point where there was no cure for medicine, a stranger from afar suddenly told him that you were not ill, but possessed by evil spirits. You should take medicine. Of course it’s useless. To cure your illness, you have to drink the water from an evil-breaking talisman I gave you, do you think he will drink it?”

Gu Youyou laughed and said: "Of course not, those crooked things will only make him die faster."

"That's right!" Jin Zijin pressed her on the bed and kissed her, and whispered in his ear: "To the Queen Mother, you are the stranger from afar."

"But it's different. I can really cure diseases."

"But the Queen Mother doesn't believe it." Jin Zijin laughed, "You have to make her believe it, unless you cure her first."

"She doesn't want to."

"That's right, the sick Zhuzhao countryman doesn't believe that a talisman paper water can cure his illness, but what if he is cured first without telling them."


Gu Youyou stopped talking. In this way, she seemed to understand the Queen Mother's thoughts.

If someone who was an atheist looked at Tiao Dashen, he would at most take them as a joke. If he said that he wanted them to treat his illness, he would definitely rather die than Sun Qu.

Perhaps in the eyes of the Empress Dowager, doctors like them are master dancers.

Thinking about it this way, it is really a long way to change them!That difficulty is as difficult as making an atheist modern person accept Tiao Dashen.

Gu Youyou hugged Jin Zijin's neck, and took the initiative to move her lips to the mountain.

"Okay, I'm not in a hurry for quick success, I'll treat the Queen Mother first."


(End of this chapter)

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