Chapter 1333 Went to Fusang Island

Yu Jizi chased all the way to the East China Sea, and found out that Jin Ziyuan went to sea to find something.

He suddenly remembered that Gu Youyou had said that Youyingzhu was thrown into the East China Sea by her. Could it be that Jin Ziyuan went to look for Youyingzhu?
He didn't know if he threw it into the sea or not, but he knew that the disappearance of the Youying Pearl in Gu Youyou's body must have something to do with Donghai. That time they went out to sea...

Thinking of this, he no longer hesitated, no matter what he wanted to do, he wanted to go out to sea and take a look at Fusang Island.

"Boatman, when will you go fishing?"

When the fisherman came back, he was startled when he saw a white-haired old man, because he was seriously drying his nets and did not hear anyone approaching.

Just looking at this old man, he has a bit of a sense of immortality.

He was surprised for a moment, and hurriedly said: "Old man, we have people going out to sea every day, but the distance is different. You want to buy fresh fish, so you have to come back later. The people who went out to sea today haven't come back yet."

"No, I don't buy fish." Yujizi laughed and said, "If anyone goes to Fusang Island, please tell me."

"Oh?" The fisherman was very surprised and said, "Could it be that the old man wants to go out to sea with the big boat?"

"Yeah, I've lived my whole life, and when I'm done, I want to look around. I heard that Fusang Island is very magical, so I want to go and have a look."

The fisherman looked embarrassed, looked Yu Jizi up and down, then shook his head vigorously and said: "Mr., you should not go, it is very hard to go to sea, and you may not be able to bear the hardship at your age. I I advise you, go back home and let your children and grandchildren honor you well."

"I have no descendants." Yujizi said.

"Ah?" The fisherman felt a little embarrassed, and said, "Well, I can't speak with my mouth. Don't mind, old man."

Yu Jizi smiled and said: "It's okay, I don't care if I have children or grandchildren. Everyone's lifestyle is different. People like this old man just like to be alone and quiet."

Uh... The fisherman was very embarrassed, he just thought it was a strange old man.

But since the strange old man was alone, no one would come to them if something happened to them, so they agreed to his request to go to sea together.

"We will go to Fusang Island tomorrow. If the old man doesn't mind, you can come to us tomorrow night."

"Tomorrow night?" Yu Jizi thought for a moment, reached out and touched a fist-sized gold ingot, threw it to the fisherman, and said, "Thank you all, I will come back tomorrow night."

The fisherman was knocked down by Yu Jizi's gold ingot for a long time and didn't respond. When he reacted, he found that Yu Jizi had gone a long way.

Holding the gold ingot, he chased Yu Jizi and shouted: "Hey, old man, wait a minute, no reward."

After chasing for a while, he found something was wrong. He was obviously running very fast, but the people in front of him not only failed to catch up, but seemed to be chasing him further and further away.

But he saw that the old man was walking slowly on the beach from his back.

"Old man, I can't take your gold!" The fisherman shouted out of breath while running.

Seeing that the old man's back was about to disappear, the old man's voice came from the side.

"Take it, I'm old, it's useless to keep these things."

The fisherman was stunned, feeling even more surprised.

He could barely see the old man's back, why did the old man's voice sound like it was in his ears?
Could it be... this old man is an old fairy?

(End of this chapter)

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