It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 1339 The blind date is here

Chapter 1339 The blind date is here
The girl burst out laughing immediately, the concierge brother was ashamed and embarrassed, he had no choice but to get up and laugh with him.

"Girl, who are you looking for?"

The girl was almost laughing, and then stopped holding her stomach and said, "Didn't I tell you who I was looking for earlier? Why are you asking me again?"

"Ah? Did you say that?" The little brother in the porter looked surprised.

The girl laughed loudly and said, "Oh, you fell asleep just now. I asked you to watch the door, but you were sleeping? I want to sue you."

After finishing speaking, she pushed away the little brother who was guarding the door, and swaggered into the post station.

"Hey, who are you, you can't go in."

The little brother who was being teased realized that he was in a hurry and hurried forward to stop her.

The girl put her hands on her hips and said, "Do you dare to stop me? This lady has received the imperial decree. How dare you stop me as a gatekeeper dozing off?"

The little brother at the door was dumbfounded.

Looking carefully, the young girl's outfit is indeed not something ordinary people can wear. Even if she didn't receive the imperial decree, she is still a lady from a rich family.It's just that this is a post house. You said that if you have an imperial edict, you will have an imperial edict?
Seeing that your hands are empty, it is clear that there is no imperial edict.

The little brother at the door stood up straight, tried his best to look competent, and said, "Miss, please show the imperial decree."

"I don't have to look at it." The girl spread her hands and said, "I have received an oral order from His Majesty."


"Oral? How do I know if you are real or not? Could it be that some lady came to entertain me? Miss, this is a post house, where important people from Zhuzhao Kingdom live. I advise you to play somewhere else if you like. This is not for you."

"Who entertained you?" The girl pointed at the doorman and said angrily, "Do you think Miss Ben is like the kind of person who has nothing to do to entertain others?"

The little janitor didn't say anything in a daze, but he actually wanted to say something like that.

Because at this time, the person who was disturbed in the station had already come out.

Yue Rujing came out waving a folding fan, walking at a leisurely pace, if she hadn't slapped a big mosquito to death halfway and lost a bit of beauty, her frown and smile would be so charming.

"What's the noise? It's noisy early in the morning, and it's keeping people from sleeping."

Yue Rujing's habit of sleeping in has never been changed. If there is no urgent matter, he usually doesn't get up until three in the morning.

So it was already late, but he still told him it was still early in the morning.

Anyone who has met Yue Rujing for the first time will be overwhelmed by his immortal aura. Only people like Gu Youyou who are already familiar with him will regard his immortal aura as vulgar.

The first time the girl saw this man, she was so fascinated by him that she lost her mind for a moment.

But it only took a moment for her to realize that this person is the son of Lingnan, Yue Rujing, right?
"Yue Shizi!" The girl raised her hands in a bow, with a bit of boldness, and at the same time, began to look up and down the person in front of her.

Yue Rujing put away the folding fan, and was somewhat surprised to see a strange girl.

They don't have many friends here, and none of them know Miss Nanzhao.

"Are you...?" Yue Rujing asked with a drawn out voice.

The girl smiled sweetly, and a pair of dimples appeared on her face.Her original attire was clean and neat, quite heroic.But when the pear dimple on his face smiled, he became a little more cute.

"The little girl is Duan's younger sister in General Duan's mansion. I pay my respects to Prince Yue."

(End of this chapter)

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