It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 1340 The character is relatively straight

Chapter 1340 The character is relatively straight

"General Duan?" Yue Rujing raised his eyebrows, and after thinking for a moment, he was sure that he had no friendship with the Duan family, but it was because the Duan family had fought several battles with Lingnan and had many enemies.

He looked at the lady of the Duan family with a half-smile, and said, "Miss Duan, who are you looking for in the posthouse?"

"Looking for you." Duan Xiaomei said bluntly: "Your Majesty said that you want to marry us in Nanzhao, and then, he felt that the nature of our Duan family in Nanzhao Kingdom is similar to that of your Yue family in Zhuzhao Kingdom. , it's a good match."

The emperor of Nanzhao asked Ms. Duan to be more tactful, so that she could create some chance encounters to get close to Yue Rujing, but she didn't want her to be straightforward, so she went out early in the morning, and simply went to this posthouse. Make it clear.

After hearing her words, Yue Rujing was stunned.

After a while, he laughed out loud.

This time he laughed really hard, but if he continued to laugh, his smile was uglier than crying.

"This... I think, whether you are worthy or not has nothing to do with your family background, what do you think?"

Yue Rujing thought that it was enough to avoid the Emperor Nanzhao as much as possible, but he didn't expect that he even called other girls to his house, so what can he say?
The girl on the other side nodded lightly and said, "That's right, I also think that whether you are worthy or not has nothing to do with your family background, and it doesn't matter whether you are a military general or not. For example, if someone is born as a commoner, he can be a hero and become a general in the end. But some people become famous generals, he himself..."

Duan Xiaomei looked at Yue Rujing in disgust, and said, "Master Yue, why are you so thin? Maybe go into battle to kill the enemy?"

Yue Rujing staggered, and the folding fan she was holding leisurely fell to the ground.

Wanting to get angry, thinking that a guest of his was angry at a little girl and lost his demeanor, he took a deep breath to hold it back, and said calmly: "Miss Duan, there is a saying that people should not be judged by their appearance, the tall and burly one is Shan Shan Zhongye Xiong, do you think Ye Xiong can mount a horse and fight?"

Duan Xiaomei was noncommittal, and just said in a friendly voice: "It is necessary to have a strong body. Yue Shizi's figure is really worrying. If I am not a military general, your condition is quite satisfactory. It is better than the flowers in the yard." It's beautiful. But with my status, my parents all hope that I can find a husband who can go to the battlefield with me, like you...or it's just like this, let's talk about it later."

She looked disgusted, obviously she didn't look at Yue Rujing.

At the same time, she muttered in a low voice, lamenting that Lord Yuehou's first heroic life was ruined in the hands of this sissy son.

Yue Rujing was in a trough, staring at the girl who swaggered away for a long while without saying a word.

Even though the appreciation eyes of Nanzhao Kingdom and Zhuzhao Kingdom are somewhat different, it's not that big of a difference, right?
He has grown so big, where can he not be sought after?It seems that they have been disgusted by two people, Gu Youyou is not like an ordinary person, not counting, the second one is Duan Xiaomei.

The man had been walking for quite a while before he cursed angrily: "I think you are suitable for living with a black bear. You are very strong..."

Hey, that's not right, if you want to dislike it, it is because he dislikes others.

He stomped his feet angrily and turned around when he suddenly stepped on something.

He looked down and saw that it was the fan he had just dropped to the ground.

Yue Rujing hurriedly picked up the fan and patted off the dust on it.

There are many mosquitoes in Nanzhao country, and they are all big mosquitoes. His folding fan is used to beat mosquitoes, so don't throw it away.


(End of this chapter)

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