It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 1346 Going to the Zongren Mansion

Chapter 1346 Going to the Zongren Mansion
It's good to send it out, the emperor is the emperor of Zhuzhao country, but he is also a father.

No matter what the mothers of the princes and princesses have done, the emperor will do his best to keep those children alive, just like King Qin.If it is impossible to keep them, he will keep their rankings. When people talk about the Ninth Princess, they will let people know that there are eighth and seventh princesses before the Ninth Princess.

After serving the emperor to rest, Eunuch Wan simply packed up his things and went to the clan mansion secretly.

The banknotes that are enough for them to live comfortably for a lifetime are the emperor's personal money.

There is also a letter written by the emperor.

In the middle of the night, when the gatekeepers saw Eunuch Wan coming, they were all surprised.

They were about to open their mouths to salute, but Eunuch Wan stopped him with a silent gesture.

"Open the door quickly and go to King Jin."

The gatekeeper was startled, and while opening the door, he asked in a low voice, "Eunuch Wan, is something wrong?"

Eunuch Wan glanced over coldly, and snorted coldly: "Don't let out a single word of what happened today, the emperor is kind, and he doesn't want to use the trick of murder to keep the secret, do you understand?"

The gatekeeper was almost scared to pee when he heard what Eunuch Wan said, he didn't dare to ask questions, he followed behind Eunuch Wan without saying a word, he would do whatever he said.

"You guys must keep your mouth shut. Don't worry, Mr. Wan. You haven't been here tonight, and nothing happened tonight."

"Well, not bad, the boys are still very good." Eunuch Wan said with satisfaction.

"Lead the way ahead to the courtyard where King Jin lives."

After passing through several corridors, I arrived at a courtyard that looked a little less dilapidated in the depths of the clan mansion. In this high-end courtyard in the clan mansion, King Jin was locked up.

The gatekeeper took the key to unlock the lock, and made a gesture of please to Eunuch Wan.

Eunuch Wan raised his head, and said to the gatekeeper in a low voice: "Go in, miscellaneous, you stay here, be smart, don't be discovered."

The gatekeeper nodded and said with a bow: "Don't worry, you guys are smart and will definitely handle Mr. Wan's affairs properly."

Eunuch Wan slammed his chestnut on the speaker's head, saying: "Wrong, it's not for the miscellaneous family, it's for the emperor."

"Ah, that's right, the little one said something wrong, it's the emperor, and he's doing things for the emperor."

Eunuch Wan nodded in satisfaction and entered the desolate courtyard.

Tonight, the moon was dark and the wind was high, and Eunuch Wan only had a small pathfinding lamp in his hand. He carried the small lamp and walked to the eaves, and gently patted on the door. After a while, King Jin's voice came.


Eunuch Wan didn't answer, but continued to knock on the door.

Lin Qianqing pushed Prince Jing and said, "Cousin, go and have a look, it's so late, it seems that no one has knocked on the door so late."

That's right, no one has knocked on the door so late. Those who can enter this courtyard must have unlocked it. Who would knock on the door of an abandoned child so late?
King Jin turned over and got off the bed, and replied impatiently: "Don't knock, here we come."

He simply put on his clothes and got out of bed, opened the door, only to see Eunuch Wan in a black cloak.

He was very surprised, and asked, "Why is Eunuch Wan here?"

Could it be Father... He didn't think about it any further.

It's already like this, and he is almost heartbroken, they can do whatever they want, whether they kill him or let him go, he doesn't care anymore.

He said: "Eunuch Wan, come in first, the room is simple and simple, you just watch and sit."

(End of this chapter)

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