Chapter 1347 Let Them Go
King Jin yawned, found a stool and sat on it, and raised Erlang's legs, looking drowsy.

Eunuch Wan sighed helplessly: "His Royal Highness, the emperor sent this old slave here."

"Oh." King Jin responded in a low voice, and continued to be half asleep and half awake.

Lin Qianqing, who was dressed inside the house, came out. He glanced at the listless King Jin, and then asked Eunuch Wan: "Eunuch Wan, what is the rush for your father to ask you to come to the clan mansion so late?"

Eunuch Wan looked at King Jin helplessly, and said to Lin Qianqing: "There is something urgent, Princess Jin, the emperor asked this old slave to let you go."

Hearing this, King Jin suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Eunuch Wan in a daze.

"Let us go? What do you mean?"

Eunuch Wan sighed: "It is the clan's intention to imprison King Jin in the clan's mansion, and the emperor doesn't want to do that. The emperor has always wanted to find a suitable opportunity to let you go. It just so happens that the moon is dark and the wind is high tonight, which is a good day. You should pack up and leave as soon as possible." He stuffed a package to King Jin and said, "The emperor asked this old slave to bring it."

Of course, these words were all made up by Eunuch Wan. No one knows exactly what the emperor thinks.No one can guess the deep meaning of the emperor!

In a word, let's go.

Holding the package, King Jin did not move for a long time.

Lin Qianqing was a little excited, she couldn't hold back her smile, and suddenly knelt down at Eunuch Wan.

Eunuch Wan was startled, and also quickly knelt down.

Lin Qianqing kowtowed to him, and he kowtowed to her with a bitter face.

"Princess Jin, what are you doing? Didn't this break the old slave? Stop knocking, get up quickly."

Eunuch Wan kowtowed and pulled Lin Qianqing up, and then Lin Qianqing burst into tears and said, "Eunuch Wan, after we leave, we may never return to the capital again. Lin Qianqing begs you to do me a favor." , find an opportunity to tell my father and mother, and repay the kindness of nurturing in the next life.”

She kowtowed, but Eunuch Wan didn't stop her, but moved aside.

This head was Lin Qianqing kowtowing to Lord Lin and Mrs. Lin as a daughter.

"Okay, this old slave will definitely do it." Eunuch Wan also shed tears after being affected by her.

This was the second time for Lin Qianqing to escape late at night. Compared with the first time when she was confused, she was more convinced that she would never come back again, so it was a lot sadder to leave.

But when she thought that she could continue to live freely in the future, she wept with joy.

She supported King Jin who was still in a daze and didn't know what he was thinking, and said, "Cousin, we can leave now, in the future..."

Before she could finish speaking, King Jin raised his head and asked her in a daze: "Where can we go?"

"Anywhere is fine?" Lin Qianqing was startled.

"But we have been used to being served by others since we were young, and we don't know anything."

Lin Qianqing grinned and said, "It's okay, you can learn if you don't know it. Look how well the cabbage you planted in the yard grows well?"

"Really?" King Jin took a breath.

Lin Qianqing said: "We can go anywhere, and in the future we can belong to the whole world like the stars in my cousin's painting..."

Eunuch Wan wiped his tears and laughed, and said: "The emperor has prepared enough money for Jin Wang and Jin Wangfei, just go out for a stroll, if you are tired, find a place with beautiful mountains and rivers to live in seclusion, this is also a kind of life Ah. The most important thing is that people are alive and free."

(End of this chapter)

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