It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 1348 Go to the Imperial Mausoleum

Chapter 1348 Go to the Imperial Mausoleum

King Jin's slightly frowning eyebrows stretched out, looked at Lin Qianqing's eyes full of hope and nodded with a smile: "Okay, it's fine to go anywhere, my cousin likes to go everywhere, so we will go everywhere."


Under Wan Gonggong's arrangement, they left the city smoothly.

The carriage traveled all the way south, and when it was almost dawn, King Jin suddenly stopped the carriage master.

"His Royal Highness, what's the matter?" the carriage master stopped the carriage by the side of the road and turned to ask the people in the carriage.

King Jin poked his head out from the carriage and said, "How far is it from the imperial mausoleum?"

The coachman looked at the sky and said, "It's not that far away, I think we can arrive before dawn."

"Okay, let's go to the imperial mausoleum first." King Jin said.

The carriage master nodded, turned the carriage around and ran towards the imperial mausoleum.

Lin Qianqing pulled King Jin's sleeve and said, "How do we go to the imperial mausoleum? Duke Wan has passed on that the emperor told us to go to the south."

King Jin twitched the corner of his mouth and sighed softly: "No, we won't go to the south, we will go to the imperial tomb first, and then..." Thinking of the people outside, he said: "Let's go to the imperial tomb first."

He opened the package that Eunuch Wan brought, and it was full of valuables, bank notes, and some gold and silver utensils.

He carefully checked everything inside, and stuffed everything he could take into another package, then flattened the package and stuffed it into the clothes around his waist.

As for those large bank notes, none of them has been touched.

Lin Qianqing was startled, and asked puzzledly, "What is this for?"

King Jin lowered his voice and said to her, "These are from my father, so I can't accept them. As long as we use these bank notes, his people will be able to track down our traces."

He patted another package and said: "These things can be collected. It was given to us by Duke Wan out of kindness. He doesn't know the meaning of the emperor."

Lin Qianqing's heart sank, she looked outside the carriage, but then asked King Jin in a low voice: "My cousin means that the emperor let us go, maybe..."

King Jin shook his head and said: "I don't know, but the Duke's mansion is still the emperor's father. It is true that they used me and the queen mother as tools to use from the very beginning. I don't know if there is something wrong with him letting us go. The meaning is, but when the queen mother was still alive, she told me that in this world, don't trust anyone easily, and she lost her life because of it. I don't know what the father thinks, but I have to be on guard. "

Seeing how seriously King Jin spoke, Lin Qianqing didn't say anything else.

"Okay, I'll listen to my cousin, we can go wherever you say we go."

King Jin gently took Lin Qianqing into his arms, leaned against her head and said in a low voice, "I never thought that you would be by my side in the end. The person I can trust the most is you. Cousin, you can't lie to me! "

The carriage soon arrived near the imperial mausoleum, and the carriage master stopped, and said to King Jin and Lin Qianqing who were in the carriage: "His Royal Highness, wait a moment, and I will go and do some cleaning."

Not everyone can get close to the imperial tomb, this person belongs to the emperor, he has his own way to make King Jin and Lin Qianqing close to the imperial tomb.

Soon the coachman came back, stood outside the carriage and said respectfully to them: "His Royal Highness, Princess Jin, you go and come back quickly, the little one is waiting for you here."

"Okay, thank you." Lin Qianqing said.

She went to the sacrificial altar of the imperial mausoleum together with King Jin. King Jin searched for them one by one, and saw the tablet of Queen Jin Yushu in an inconspicuous corner.

(End of this chapter)

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