Chapter 1349 From now on
There was a flash of surprise in King Jin's eyes, and he polished his eyes and looked at it a few more times before he was sure that he was right.

He sat on the ground as if he was exhausted, and muttered: "Concubine? Why is it a concubine? From the day my mother and father ascended the throne, I have been crowned with a phoenix crown. Why is she a concubine?"

Lin Qianqing sighed in a low voice: "The queen mother was demoted to concubine before entering the royal tomb. I heard that it was the kindness granted by the emperor, otherwise she would not be able to enter the royal tomb."

King Jin backed away in a daze, tears streaming down his face.

The queen mother fought all her life, but in the end she ended up as a concubine.

"Others don't know, how can the father not know? No matter what the queen mother did, it was all his acquiescence. The queen mother is just a murder knife in their hands. What's wrong with her?

He clearly knew what she cared about the most, but he would take it away after she died. How could this make the empress rest in peace? "

King Jin was already sobbing and covered his face with his hands.

Lin Qianqing also felt extremely sour in her heart, saying that the royal family was ruthless, and this was the only way for the glorious queen in the past to end up like this?

They looked over row by row, and there was only one person on the tablet of Jin Moning's queen, Xiao Qin'er.

In fact, the emperors of all dynasties did not confer more than one empress, and those who lived for a long time, most of them conferred five or six empresses in their lifetime.Most of them were not very good in life, but the living will respect the dead. They may not be very favored in life, but they have the honor after death.

Like Jin Yushu, she was the only one who had been a queen all her life but ended up as a concubine.

King Jin wiped away his tears, and sat under Jin Yushu's support, talking in a low voice.

"We're leaving, so I'll come and see you, Empress Mother, Xiao Ran was ignorant before you were alive, suffered a loss, and was fooled, and now he has thought clearly about everything he should think about. It's not important about being rich, what's important is being able to Live peacefully and comfortably.

It would be great if you were still alive, and it would be great if I could take you away together, but... I don't know when I can come to worship you after today's farewell, maybe there will never be a chance.But Xiao Ran will never forget that in this world, the Empress Mother has always treated Xiao Ran sincerely, and whenever there are festivals, Xiao Ran will pay homage to you in a distant place. "

After finishing speaking, King Jin kowtowed three times in front of Jin Yushu's memorial tablet, and then took Lin Qianqing away angrily.

He didn't go out through the main entrance, but passed the tombs and the tall palace of the Emperor and Queen Mother under construction, and walked into a small road, so that he could be separated from the coachman driving the carriage outside.

He took Lin Qianqing and ran all the way westward.

Lin Qianqing was panting from running, so he pulled Lin Qianqing onto his back and started to run.

It was gradually getting brighter, and they saw the caravan heading west.

King Jin smiled, waved his hands, and said loudly to the caravan, "Hey, can you take us a ride? We'll pay the money."

The leader of the caravan saw a man and a woman dressed in plain clothes, so he asked, "Where are you two going?"

King Jin said: "We're going to Kucha to do some small business, can we still drop by?"

"By the way, we are also going to Kucha. You two, come with us. It's not easy to start a small business. We just go together, and we can't afford to pay money."

"Then I would like to thank this boss." He looked at Lin Qianqing and said, "This is my wife. She is a little tired from walking. Can you let her get into your carriage?"

(End of this chapter)

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