It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 1353 Buying People's Hearts

Chapter 1353 Buying People's Hearts
Originally, they had already planned to be kicked out by the ten families today and be kept by the family, but if the queen mother admits, they only need to tell the case of treating the queen mother...

Uh, of course, there is still the possibility of being kicked out, but surely no one beats it out with a broom so ugly, right?
"Master, the Empress Dowager has recovered from her illness. Your Majesty is going to announce to the world that she has accepted the treatment from the princess of Zhuzhao Kingdom. Although the purpose is for the friendship between the two countries and an explanation to the common people, it also shows that doctors are no worse than witch doctors. .”

"Your Majesty still wants to announce it to the world?"

Good news came one after another, Gu Youyou felt that happiness came too suddenly.

Last night, she still felt that Nanzhao supported witch doctors, and it was simply difficult for doctors to travel and ascend to the blue sky.

Didn't expect such a magical turning point after only one night?
No matter what happens to the people, the Nanzhao emperor has paved the way for them by doing so, and the rest depends on their own performance.

"Yes, Master, I'll go with you today, where are you going?" Jin Liuying was a little excited, she was just at the age of playing, and saw Gu Youyou and Circe carrying a medicine box , Naturally thought there was something fun to do.

Gu Youyou smiled and showed her white teeth, proving how happy she was.

She said: "Okay, you go with us. People don't give us face, you, the concubine of the fifteen princes, have some face?"

Circe stuffed a backpack into Jin Liuying's arms, and said, "Since the princess is going too, help me carry this, I have to carry the medicine box."

Everyone was happy, and didn't care too much. One carried a basket on his back and set off on the road.

In the Nanzhao Kingdom, it is common to see women dressed in colorful clothes and carrying baskets on their backs walking together in the green mountains and green waters. They talk and laugh, forming a different kind of scenery.

The three of Gu Youyou talked and laughed along the way, probably feeling like that.

There was a village on the mountainside, and they were already sweating when they climbed up.

Looking at the stockade not far ahead, they sat down to rest for a while.

Gu Youyou took out a handkerchief, and gently wiped the sweat on Jin Liuying's forehead.

The little girl smiled very happily, took the handkerchief and thanked Gu Youyou shyly.

Gu Youyou also laughed, and asked, "Are you tired?"

Jin Liuying nodded slightly, and said: "I'm tired. I've never been sweaty before. Even if I'm fluttering butterflies in the imperial garden, there are always people passing by. When they see that I'm tired, they will come Will remind me not to play."

Circe turned her head and said, "Life here is different. It's not easy for a pampered princess like you to endure such hardships. Many ladies from rich families have to take a sedan chair for less than half a mile."

"What's the difference between that and a cripple? I like my life now." Jin Liuying said.

Her state made Gu Youyou feel at ease, and after she had almost rested, the three of them picked up their baskets and walked towards the village again.

Circe took out a bell and shook it gently.The bell made a tinkling sound, and after a while, a curious person came out of the house.

Seeing the three strange women, they had doubts on their faces, and they didn't understand what the three strange women were ringing.

Gu Youyou took a step forward, and said to the nearest old man: "Old man, we are doctors who treat people's diseases. If someone in your family is sick, we can treat them for free."

(End of this chapter)

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