Chapter 1354 Conspiracy
"Doctor Zoufang?" They only knew that the one who could cure diseases was a witch doctor, but no one knew what kind of doctor Zoufang was.

However, the witch doctor needs to be paid for treating people. The Fang doctor said that the treatment is free. I don't know if it is the same as the witch doctor.

A younger man poked his head out from the stilted building above and asked, "Is Zou Fang the same as a witch doctor?"

Both Circe and Jin Liuying became nervous, afraid that they would say something different and be squeezed out.

But Gu Youyou is not that stupid, she was just playing with words, she evaded the important thing and said lightly: "It's different, if you seek medical treatment from a witch doctor, you have to go to the witch doctor's house to ask for it. Doctor Fang can heal wherever he goes, We don't come out every day, and it's luck that the patient encounters it.

It is not free every time we come out to do Fang Langzhong. It is also luck that the patient happens to meet a free doctor. "

The old man looked surprised, but couldn't restrain his excitement.

He doesn't know how to go to Fang Langzhong, and to him, they are free witch doctors.So, he was lucky to meet a free witch doctor? The more the old man thought about it, the more excited he became. he not sick?This is depressing.

Gu Youyou saw the old man's entanglement, and hurriedly said: "Old man, if you are not sick, we can also take a pulse for you."

Are you sick?

What to watch if you are not sick.

Gu Youyou was too impatient and pretended too much, the old man looked at her with a weird face, probably the old man thought Gu Youyou was more like a liar than a witch doctor.

He snorted and dodged them like he was hiding from a mental illness.

"Hey, old man, don't go, my master can treat you."

"Go, go, bad luck, old man, I am in good health, who wants you to see a doctor?"

"You didn't even look at it, how do you know you're not sick? Let's take a look first..."

Gu Youyou held her back and said, "Forget it, let's look at another house."

Excessive force is not a good thing, they are really treating people, not charlatans.

Circe continued to ring the bell to attract curious people. When Gu Youyou saw someone came to ask, she hurried forward to explain their doubts.

"We are Fang Langzhong, and we see everywhere we go. As long as we meet someone who is sick, we will see a doctor for free."

"Free medical treatment? No money?"

"Isn't it a liar?"

Jin Liuying couldn't help but shouted to the man: "Why are we lying to you? You're already seeing a doctor for free, so what else can you lie to? Try it if you think it's okay. It doesn't cost money anyway, and don't call us liars if you don't think it's okay.

We just want to do what we can for those ordinary people who look down on diseases. We bought the medicines in our medicine box with money. Medicines can be more expensive than food. We need to spend our own money to cheat Are you? "

But people don't buy it.

"Huh, do you dare to say that you have no intention? Just to help the poor people? Who will believe you."

"That is, it is precisely because I don't know what you want to do that I dare not let you see it."

Hearing such words, Circe and Jin Liuying were so angry that they were about to explode and confront those civilians, but they were stopped by Gu Youyou.

Gu Youyou shook her head slightly at them, then took a step forward and said to the two middle-aged women who were arrogantly questioning them: "Two big sisters, it is impossible for a person to do something meaningless, you are right, we dare not Say nothing."

(End of this chapter)

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