Chapter 1355 Free Treatment

"Look, that's it." The middle-aged woman snorted and said, "If you have a plan, you should be honest. Don't be a bodhisattva in the name of helping the world and saving the people."

"That is, if you want to say that people who have no intentions for everyone, we only recognize witches."

Jin Liuying and Circe were very anxious, and Circe said angrily in a low voice: "Aren't you smashing your own signboard? How can you talk like that? We have no plans for them in the first place, what are you admitting?" Gu Youyou threw it to her With a knowing look in his eyes, he looked back at the onlookers.

She always has a professional smile on her face, the kind that makes people look pleasing.

"Big sisters, I don't treat you with gold or silver. It's just that we are newcomers, and what we lack is fame. If we can cure it, I will trouble you to talk to your fellow villagers. If anyone has a headache in the future, You can directly invite us to treat it, and the cost is not expensive. If it can’t be cured, it’s our brand, and we can’t get along in this Taihe city. Let’s go back to our hometown on our own. What do you think?”

Everyone was startled, and only then did they understand what they were planning to see a doctor for free.

It turned out that it wasn't that he didn't want to make money, but that he wanted to earn a good reputation first.

An aunt asked: "Aren't the three girls natives of Taihe City? Are they from outside?"

Gu Youyou nodded and said: "Yeah, that's why everyone doesn't recognize us, and they don't accept us when we go to the witch doctor's village. We can cure diseases, and the people don't believe us, so we have to make such a bad plan. If we can be cured for free Now, neighbors, please do more publicity and say something good for us.”

Then everyone will understand.

It's kind of like a taste before you buy deal.

"Then..." Someone said: "Then you go home with me and show our old lady. Her legs were sharp when she was young. In the past few years, her legs have become more and more unfit. It’s windy and rainy, and it still hurts badly.”

Gu Youyou was stunned. Hearing this symptom at first, it was a typical rheumatism.

When people are old, they all love such problems.

But rheumatism cannot be completely cured.

She could only bite the bullet and nodded, and followed the old lady back home.

Their family has gone out to work except for her and an old lady. The old lady has bad legs and lives in a shack downstairs on stilts.

"Mother, I asked Mr. Fang to see you. Your leg is sick. Are you better?"

After a while, the voice of the old lady came from the room.

"Oh, I'm so old, what are you doing all these things? Save the money for Ah Xiao and his wife to live on. My legs are useless, so I don't care if I don't look at them."

"Oh, mother, this is Fang Langzhong. It doesn't cost money. I will show it to you for free."

"What? Show it for free? Hey, what do you mean by leaving Fang Langzhong?"

"It's just a witch doctor who doesn't need money. He only treats people who can't see a doctor. Mother, don't talk about it, come out quickly. If you can't come out by yourself, I will come in and help you out."

"Oh, it's just for people who can't see a doctor? Isn't that the witch maiden? Is the witch maiden here?" The old lady came out of the shack while talking, holding a crutch tightly with both hands. The problem is not minor.

The old lady walked out of the dark and low shack, saw the sunlight outside, and saw Gu Youyou again.

(End of this chapter)

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