Chapter 1361 Bad temper

Yue Rujing was startled, and suddenly waved her hands irritably: "You think too much, she is not that kind of person, she is similar to the ladies in the capital."

Gu Youyou didn't care about his words, and continued jokingly: "It must be because you didn't sing, or the singing was inappropriate, and the girls didn't like it. You can ask your senior brother about this, when we When I sneaked to Nanzhao to gather medicine, I met a folk song singer, and he even gave me a drink."

"Really?" Yue Rujing instantly came to life with a look of surprise.

Whether he sang or not is the same thing. If the senior brother sang, haha, think about it, this scene should not be too beautiful.

But... Brother is that kind of person?He can sing folk songs?Could it be that Gu Youyou lied to him?

Yue Rujing asked in disbelief: "Senior brother really sang? Are you entertaining me?"

Gu Youyou kicked the dustpan away, and said, "Do you think I'm the kind of person who has nothing to do to entertain you? Just you? Is it worth my entertainment?"

Yue Rujing gritted her teeth, rolled up her sleeves and said, "What's your tone? From what you said, you look down on me, don't you?"

"You have such a good resource that you can't even catch up with a girl. Do you think I need to think highly of you?"

Yue Rujing blushed when she was told, and said angrily: "I don't want to, as long as I am willing, that woman is not allowed to line up to Zhuzhao Kingdom."

Gu Youyou rolled her eyes at him, and said: "Well, keep bragging, anyway, you don't have to pay for bragging. But, in fact, some people can't catch up with girls."

Yue Rujing was furious, blocked Gu Youyou's way, and said: "Who, tell me, who is the person in this world who I can't catch up with?"

Gu Youyou chuckled, and said, "Do you know what Miss Duan said about you when she went back?"

Yue Rujing raised her eyebrows, thinking of that Miss Duan, she didn't think she would say anything good anyway.

"What did she say?"

Gu Youyou giggled, "Want to know? Ask yourself."

Yue Rujing: "..."

Gu Youyou bypassed him and walked towards the back room.

Yue Rujing was out of breath, stopped her again, and said, "Tell me clearly, or you will be spreading rumors."

Gu Youyou looked contemptuous, and said: "Just like you? Miss Duan doesn't like you at all, do I need to spread rumors? Go aside."

"Even you look down on me? We stayed in Nanzhao to save you."

"Come on, everyone is here to deal with Yu Jizi."

"It was also to save you."

Gu Youyou: "..."

"Go, go, get out of the way, there are still two dustpans left to dry."

"No, you're getting more and more annoying as a woman."

"Don't let me?" Gu Youyou said with a bright smile.

It's just that smile, a little malicious.

"What do you want to do?" Yue Rujing looked at him warily.

Gu Youyou's expression darkened suddenly, and he shouted into the room.

"Sir, help me..."

Yue Rujing: "..."

After a while, Jin Zijin came out when he heard the voice, and now Yue Rujing's arm that was blocking Gu Youyou seemed at a loss, and he didn't want to let it go, he continued to block...Seeing the blackened face of his senior brother, he felt that he was blocking Gu Youyou. Not to mention.

"What's wrong?" Jin Zijin looked at Yue Rujing and said, "A Jing, didn't you go to accompany the Princess? Why did you come back so soon?"

"I... I can't come back early?" Yue Rujing was angry and bored, and suddenly felt that the world was loveless.

He flicked his sleeves angrily and went back to his room.

(End of this chapter)

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